Chapter 1

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"...In other news, the vampire's representative in Maine has expressed his disappointment in the acknowledgment that the Pure Human Association has been getting from local government officials. And even though the leader of the vampires in the Americas, the elusive Lord Arthur, couldn't be reached for a comment- as usual- it's clear that the position of the vampires regarding the association remains antagonistic..."

Lillian's attention to the news report was interrupted by a customer's loud call.

"Coming, Ted! stop yelling," she said.

Ted was one of the diner's regular customer. He'd been coming in every day at the same time ever since her first week at work two and a half years ago. Waitering tables was far from Lillian's dream job. But sometimes life just doesn't give a shit about your plans.

"Thanks baby doll." Ted winked, his twinkling blue eyes creasing at the corners. Along with his mass of curly blond hair and deep golden skin, he could've been at home in a Florida beach. Except that where they were; a little town south of Portland, Oregon, was quite a distance from the blazing sun and glorious coasts of Florida.

"I didn't know you were that interested in vampires," he added in reference to the news report she had been focused on.

Putting his usual plate of double cheese burger with extra pickles and fries on the table, she shrugged. "Not really," she lied.

Four years ago, she wouldn't have given a second glance to the news about any of the immortals in the states. However, her situation was vastly different now.

Although it wasn't really the vampires who were of real importance to her.

"I'm surprised those humans have the guts to announce their hatred so openly," she said.

"Yeah, well, as long as they don't stir trouble in our state they can do whatever the hell they want." Ted shuddered visibly. "But you're right, I wouldn't be able to do it. Vampires are way too creepy."

"You've met one before?" Lillian asked, her eyes widening in curiosity. Vampires kept mostly to big cities for some reason, so she had never seen one.

There could be vampires in Portland, but she never stumbled upon them. She would know if she did. Unlike most humans who couldn't differentiate humans from immortals, she did so quite easily.

"Yep," he said, picking at his fries, "I went to a club in Portland once - you know, the other Portland on the other side of the country. And there was a vampire feeding off some chick in a corner. It was in plain sight, and I could tell the girl was enjoying it. What's really creepy was the look in the guy's eyes, though. He looked at her like she was food. But then again, I guess that's what we are to them, huh? Thank God there are no vampires here"

Lillian agreed with a slow nod. "We have our own monsters," she whispered, but not low enough because Ted chuckled.

"Yep, we do. But hey, at least they keep to their territory. You only see them here once in a long while, when they don't find what they need in the towns closer to their forests. And unlike vampires, they don't mingle with humans much."

Lillian had something to say to that, but she chose to keep her silence.

"So," Ted said, leaning forward with a slow smile that had undoubtedly broken many hearts before. "Am I gonna have that date yet?"

Lillian grinned at him. "You know my answer to that, Ted," she said for the hundredth time.

He was probably teasing her, Lillian thought, though her co-workers thought he was serious. But she had other priorities. And she was okay with that. A man was the last thing she needed in her life at the moment.

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