Bonus Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Sorry I'm late. It's been a hectic week. 

This chapter is not edited, so if you notice any mistakes, please let me know. I appreciate it.

Don't forget to vote and comment! 

Much love <3 <3 <3


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Albert was on the border the next morning, demanding to see his daughter.

Lillian didn't even want to see the bastard. Noah went to deal with him. Lillian didn't care much about how he would do that. She still worried about him, though. But he'd been an alpha longer than she'd been a wolf, so she figured he could deal with it.

Emily was sworn into the pack and settled in a cabin in the village. Lillian visited her when Noah was off to deal with Albert.

Lillian knocked on the door, the twins running circles around her legs, dressed only in shorts. Lillian sniffed. The weather was growing colder, and she smelled rain in the air. Maybe she should get the twins to start putting on tops to ward off the cold.

Steps echoed inside the cabin before the door was cracked open. Emily peeked through, then she opened the door a little wider. Lillian could feel her in the pack, a small reluctant energy that almost trembled. Her wolf was very submissive. She barely glanced Lillian's way before looking down.

She looked haggard, but her eyes widened when she saw the twins by Lillian's feet.

The twins both looked up at her. "Are you new?" Elijah asked.

Emily opened the door fully. She tucked her hair behind her ears and nodded, smiling softly at the twins.

Lillian just realized it then. Emily was the twins' biological aunt. It wouldn't really make a difference for the twins, they had many aunts in the pack. But it might make a difference to Emily. The young wolf had, after all, left her family, no matter how horrible they were, and her pack. Maybe thinking if the twins as family would make the transition to a new pack, a new life, easier for her.

Lillian didn't want the twins to have anything to do with Ashton. But blaming Emily for her brother's crimes was not fair.

"Ezra, Elijah this is Emily," Lillian said, putting her hands on top of the twins' heads. She looked at Emily. "You'll call her aunt Emily, understood?"

Emily's head snapped up, surprise clear on her face.

"Aunt Emily!" Elijah said with a grin. "We can show you the pack, if you want!"

Ezra nodded. Emily bit her bottom lip, her eyes brimmed with tears. She wiped her eyes and smiled brightly at the twins. "I'd love that. Thank you."

"If you need anything, let me know," Lillian linked her, walking to the side so Emily could step out of the cabin.

Emily nodded.

Lillian watched Emily walk away between Ezra and Elijah, the twins looking proud to be her tour guides. She hesitated at the bottom of the porch steps and glanced back at Lillian. She looked like she wanted to say something but thought better of it, then walked away with the twins.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Eva linked Lillian.

Lillian looked around. Eva was sitting on a rocking chair in the porch of her cabin. Lillian padded over and joined her. "So Emily is your neighbor?"

The pack doctor took a sip of her mug. Lillian's nose picked up a hint of chamomile tea. "She is," Eva said. "Sean wanted to put her somewhere else. But she's part of the pack, and since she didn't go through a trial period, there might be a lot of issues. We should keep her close enough to keep an eye out."

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