Chapter 29

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Lillian scrambled up, swaying a bit on her feet. The warrior steadied her and stepped back.

Noah stopped in front of her, not saying a word. The warmth his body usually radiated seemed to double ten folds, the heat of him a physical blanket enfolding her. When his fingers touched her chin, Lillian knew she wasn't imagining it; his skin was scorching hot.

"I'm fine. It's just a little scratch," she said. He looked over her shoulder. Lillian's hand circled his wrist, squeezing until his attention returned to her.

"I'm fine, Noah," she said more firmly. "It was an accident. I'm alright."

He closed his eyes, heaved a deep breath, and when he opened them again they were no longer blazing with fury.

Then he took her in his arms.

Lillian's breath froze in her lungs. In that moment, Noah was bigger than life itself. His broad chest beneath her cheek and his strong arms across her back a shelter so solid it felt as though nothing could ever hurt her again. He buried his nose in her hair, and Lillian forgot about all the eyes watching them, and melted against him.

Violet had never shied away from Lillian's touch. She even sought it out on several occasions. So Lillian was more than bewildered by the incident. The fights must have brought up bad memories. Lillian had her fair share of those herself, so she didn't blame the young girl.

Thirty minutes later, Lillian was sitting in the infirmary, her cuts cleaned and bandaged. Fortunately, they were shallow, so no stitches were needed.

"They won't leave any scars, I think," Eva said, putting the bloodied pads she'd used to wipe Lillian's cuts in a small tin on the floor. Then she lit it on fire.

"Whoa, was that necessary?" Lillian said, eying the flames warily.

Noah, who hadn't left her side, replied. "It is. Blood is very powerful. A witch could do a lot with someone else's blood."

"Which is why we try to never leave traces of it anywhere," Eva added, taking her gloves off. "It's a necessary precaution in our world. A habit you too should start adopting."

Lillian nodded, remembering on her very first day here how Katrina had used her blood and her sons'.

"So," Eva said, "how did this even happen? I know Violet is very fond of you. She wouldn't have hurt you on purpose."

"I'm not sure myself." Lillian frowned. "But you're right, she didn't do it on purpose. I think the fighting spooked her."

Eva's eyes shimmered with sympathy. She looked at Noah. "We should get them started on counseling sooner. I thought maybe giving them a little bit of time to settle down first would be nice, but..."

Noah rubbed his jaw, a frown tugging down his brows. "Yes. Let's hope counseling helps, especially with Violet. She was in captivity for a very long time."

Lillian's heart ached for the girl who had some of the most beautiful years in her life stolen from her. That's the period when a person is shaped, to spend it locked up in a dark dungeon, being forced to fight the only people you knew until you were the last one standing, being drugged, beaten, and possibly abused in various other ways, it was something Lillian couldn't wrap her head around. She truly had immense respect for Violet's spirit. The girl had survived trials beyond Lillian's imagination and came out on the other end, if not unscathed, then alive.

"I should go see her," Lillian said. Kiano had taken Violet to their cabin before Lillian and Noah headed to the infirmary.

Noah pushed to his feet and taking Lillian's hand, he pulled her up. "I'll go with you." To Eva, he said, "I'll have Lisette call the counselor. If they're not preoccupied, they should be here in a few days."

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