Chapter 47

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"This is everything we have so far," Elle said, turning the laptop to Lillian and Noah to see.

They were sitting on the living room couch in Arthur and Elle's cabin. Elle sat cross-legged on the floor across the coffee table from them, her sword on the floor next to her. Arthur was on the phone in his room, the timber of his low voice audible even through the closed door.

Lillian looked at the screen.

"So, your friend, Lydia recorded everything from the moment she joined the Treasure Hunting agency," Elle said. "But those things don't matter to us now. What we are interested in are the records she began documenting once Senator Brady was blackmailed into working for the agency and crossing Blazius. Lydia noted down everything from the location of the first meeting with Blazius' comrades, the dates, who was there, etc.

"According to her, Blazius had hired several humans, just like her, to keep an eye on a Test Subject. That's what they called people like you, Lillian."

"How many were there?"

"According to Lydia, there were twenty people," Elle said. "But there could very well be more. Lydia could've been only part of one group operating in this state.

"Lydia recorded the names of the human agents and the Test Subjects. Right now, we have them all under surveillance. According to what we've seen, all of the Test Subjects are just normal humans, some of them have children, some don't, but all of them are humans. You and the twins, it seems, are the only Test Subjects who manifested."

"What about Senator Brady's records?" Noah asked.

"Kamal, that's my hacker friend, combed through the records we found In Senator Brady's office," she said, turning the laptop towards her, she typed a few keys. "And we also went through all his dealing records for the past twenty years, from his laptop and phone, his wife's to those of his associates and people who work for him."

Turning the laptop our way again, the screen showed a map of the North American continent with red dots scattered all over it. Elle explained, "These are the locations we know Blazius had used some way or another. There are a total of forty five hospitals used all over the country over the past two decades, and more locations, warehouses, apartments."

Lillian looked at the red dotted map. There were so many locations. Just how many Test Subjects were there? How many people like her were there?

A weary sigh slipped past Elle's lips. "It's taking a hell of a lot of people to comb through everything. I told Arthur he could use the human agents of the Order, but he's being stubborn about it."

"I don't trust the people who turned their backs on you just because you turned out to be immortal," Arthur said, coming out of the room.

"Not all of them did," she said, a stubborn glint in her eye.

He shook his head. "One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. I can't afford one of them to be a traitor. It's better to let humans out of this."

"You trusted Kamal enough to hire him."

"He's a loner and he's competent," Arthur said, gracefully folding his body on the ground next to Elle.

Elle sighed, and Lillian knew this matter was a subject of argument between the couple.

"Anyway," Elle said. "The immortals that we got from the records of Senator Brady are all in custody. We interrogated them, but we'll have Marianno look through their heads just in case."

Noah scrolled down the screen of the laptop. There was another list containing names and designations of race. They were all the immortals involved, and Lillian could see the number was rather small.

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