Chapter 9

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yeahh chapter 9 ,enjoy :)

(Violet p.o.v)

After I watched tv for a while, I decided to write down what I already found out about Harry Styles. I took a note book and started writing, but didn't write down his name, because if he ever found this notebook he doesn't know directly it's about him.

-use drugs

-drink alcohol

-can sing very good

-has anger problems

-beats people

-tells niall all his secrets

-has to go to a terrapist

-has bad memories

-has horrible nightmares

-has a diary in his nightstand

The next time they are out of their dorm, I will sneak in again. I have to find out what his secret is and it can find it the best in his diary. I know where his diary is hidden, so I only have to take it, but not for to long, because he will search for it. Or I will read it there, or take it with me and bring it back another time, maybe the next day. But then I have to go back an extra time. I will look tommorow if I can sneak in again. 

(Niall p.o.v)

I walked in to Harry's and my dorm and saw Harry sitting on his bed, like he just had slept. "Hey Ni", he says and I say hi back and sit down on my bed. "So did you sleep or something?, you look like someone who just came out of bed", I say. "Yes, I did, I was just really tired", he says and I nod. "Okay, so further no one was here or something happened?", I ask. "What's up with all those questions?", Harry laughs, "But no, I was sleeping, so I would have noticed them, was someone suppose to come?", he asks and I nod. "Yeah, I had to work on a project", I lie and Harry nods. I can't believe he believes me and I think it is really strange that girl.. Violet, I thought, was in our room when Harry was sleeping. What did she need here...

(Violet p.o.v)

I woke up and looked around to see Liz was still sleeping. I decided to go to bed early yesterday, so I wasn't tired today. I also thought about my plan to find Harry's diary. I will go back today when everyone left and read his diary there. I also decided to tell Dean about my plan. I stood up and dressed myself and made myself ready. "Liz, don't you have classes?", I asked Liz and shook her. "No, I have the first hour off, now please let me sleep", she mumbles and turns her back to me. I also have the first hour off, but I use that time to tell Dean. I  think that I will go back to Harry's and Niall's dorm in the break after the fifth hour, then all my classes are also finished. I walked out of my dorm to Dean's dorm. I knocked on the door, but when the door opened it was Jake again who opened the door. "Violet", he says and I wanted to walk away, because I didn't want to talk to him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a small room in the dorm hallway. "HELP!", I screamed, I was afraid Jake was going to hurt me again. He pushed me to the wall. "Let go of me!, what do you want?!", I screamed. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you, but you have to listen", he says. "I don't hav-", I wanted to say, but he cut me off and slapped me right across the face. I screamed in pain and felt the tears coming. "Listen bitch, I wanted to apologise for the almost rape incident. That you rejected me doesn't mean I don't get what I want.", Jake says and now I become afraid. He comes closer to me and I screamed again for help, but it's like nobody hears me. Then someone opens the door, I push Jake aside and run to the person who opened the door. I saw that it was Liam Payne, one of the boys of Harry's gang.  I was still crying and Liam looked inside and saw Jake coming. He took my hand and we ran to a dorm. Which I think was his. We sit down on the bed and he sits next to me and is still holding my hand. "What happened?", he asks and I wipe my tears. I explained what Jake did and Liam comforted me. "What happened to your cheek?", Liam asks and touches my red cheek. "He slapped me", I say. "Would you like to have some ice for it?", he asks, but I shake my head. "I must go now", I say. "Thank you Liam", I say and he smiles. He walks with me to the door. "Bye Violet", he says. "Byee, but how do you know my name, I never told you", I ask. "Harry talks about you a lot", Liam says and I blush. "Oh I wasn't suppose to tell that, well if you need someone to talk to I am always here", he says and I laugh and nod and walk away. I didn't go to Dean anymore, because Jake was still there. I walked to my first class, but before I got there someone pulled me with them. I wanted to start screaming, but someone put their hand on my mouth. I was pulled inside a dorm and still was afraid till I heard his voice. "Shh I am not going to hurt you", he says and I turn around to see Harry sitting next to me. "Why were you crying and why is your cheek red?", he asks. "Jake", is all I say. "That stupid son of a bitch again?", he says and I nod. "Did he do something else?", he asks, but I shake my head. "Why do you care so much?", I ask. "Just because, and I know Jake is a big jerk and can also be violent", he says and I nod. "I have to go to class", I say and he nods. "Be careful", he says and stands up as well. "Thank you.. for everything", I say and he smiles. "Don't worry about it", he says and now I smile. I wanted to walk away, but before I did Harry turned me around and kissed my cheek. "Bye Violet", he says and I blush while I walk to my first class. Waiting for the last break to find out Harry's secret. I also think he is bipolar. One time he is sweet, then he is beating Dean and using drugs and another time he is singing and writing in his diary. I will find out why...

vote or comment please ;) Xx Chantal

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