Chapter 7

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(Dean p.o.v)

I walked to the toilets did my buisness and wanted to walk away again, but I was stopped by my bully and his gang. Yes, I was stopped by Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Liam payne. ''Where do you think your going faggot?'', Harry says and pushes me back. ''Are you going to cry you loser?, nobody likes you, you're gay who would want to be friends with a gay loner'', Harry says and I still could handle it, because most of the times he says this kind of things. ''I bet your mum doesn't even love you, because your gay'', he says and that hurt. He was right, my mum hates me because she says I am discusting, because I'm gay. ''Are you going to cry now?'', he says and punched me in the face and I feel my eyes water. ''Just let me go'', I scream and I hold my nose while it starts bleeding. ''Oh I don't think so, boys?'', he says and the other boys start to kick and punch me as well. The last thing I felt was that I hit my head on something hard, but after that I passed out.

When I finally woke up and I had no idea where I was. I looked around and saw I was in someone's dorm. I stood up again and had a horrible headache. I tried to stand really careful and I looked around I still didn't know where I was, till I found Violet sleeping on the couch next to me. I didn't saw her first and it must be late already, because I was dark outside. I decided to try to sleep again, because I didn't want to wake up Violet. I checked my phone just in time, because I had an incoming skype call. I saw it was Anthony and decided to pick it up.


''Oh my god Dean what happened?!''

''Uhm nothing important'', I say and didn't know what he was talking about.

''Who beat you? your face is all blue''

and then I knew where he was talking about I was beat up yesterday by Harry and his gang, but I forgot to look at my face. ''Oh umh, yeah.. a boy at my school has a bit of a problem with boys who are gay, so he beats me, but don't worry I will get over it. I happens more'', I say.

''More?, I really hope you aren't in to much pain'',

''Awh thank you that's really cute'', I say and he smiles.

''Do-do you still want to go on a d-date?''

''I would love to, but I have to go now'', I say and see Violet stirring and opening her eyes.

''Okay, bye babe'', he says and I blush.

''Bye cutie, I'll text you'', I say and now it was his time to blush and I hung up the skype call.

''Hi Violet, did you find me when I passed out?'', I ask her. ''Yeah, I'm so sorry I didn't step in I was afraid they were with five and I was on my own, so I waited till they left and then helped you I'm so sorry'', she says and has a few tears running down her face. I wipe the tears away and tell her that's it is okay. ''What did they do? was it Harry again?'', she asks and I nod. ''They called me names and then beat me up'', I say. ''I'm so sorry'', she says. ''I saw them using drugs you know?'', she tells me. ''Really?'', I ask and she nods. ''Well maybe that also another reason he is dangerous'', I say and she nods. ''What time is it now?'', I ask and Violet tells me it's almost school time again, we still had three hours till we had to go to our first classes again. ''Do you want to watch a movie?'', she asks and I agree. We watch a movie and then I realised Liz still isn't here. ''Where is Liz?'', I ask and she looks around. ''Oh I think she is staying over at her friends or something'', she says and I nod. We watch another movie and then make us ready for school.

(Violet p.o.v)

Dean and I decided to take a walk before we had to go to school. We walked around the corner and saw Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Louis standing there. Dean and I hide us behind the corner. ''What do we do now?'', Dean asks. ''We just walk you're with me now, so don't worry'', I say and we walk around the corner. As we come closer to the boys I hear Harry calling to Dean. ''Hey faggot, did you bring your gay boyfriend?'', he says and the other boys laugh. ''No, I'm sorry I'm a girl'', I say and they look shocked. ''What does that gay guy has to do with that hot girl?'', Louis says and Harry glares at him. ''Why are you with him Violet?, he is gay don't you know that?'', Harry says and I roll my eyes. ''Yeah I know, he is my bestfriend and I accept that he is gay, what now huh? are you going to beat me as well?'', I ask. ''How did you know that?'', he asks. ''Duh, I have to clean him up when you beat him up again, do you see how his face looks now. Why do you always do that? why do you hate gay people so much'', I ask and become angry now. Harry comes closer and pushes me against a wall while the other boys hold Dean. ''Let her go!'', Dean screams but Harry doesn't move and I'm not scared from him, so I don't know what he wants. ''Listen Violet, gay people are wrong. do you hear me? you can't be gay, it's discusting. Boys marry girls not different and I already told you stay out of my way baby or your going to regret it'', he says in my ear. ''I'm not afraid of you'', I say. ''Your not? oh but you will be. Leave me.. I'm dangerous'', he says and I roll my eyes. He lets go of me and the boys of Dean and we walk away to our first class.

Chapter 7 ;). I'm sure Harry isn't thinking like this, he is a sweet boy and I ship Larry. But it's a story, so we just pretend and maybe he is just pretending you don't know that :). I also really hate bullying, but I still use it in my story. but yeah... Vote or Comment please, I would love to know what you guys think.

Xx Chantal

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