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He's not sure which one of them is more nervous right now. Harry looks ready to run, but Louis is contemplating taking the car and driving to the other side of the country just to avoid this.

At the same time he's really looking forward to it, mostly because it's been exactly two months , and Louis is helplessly, completely in love with Harry already, and he figures it's about time that they hang out with more than just each other.

''It'll be fine,'' Louis assures him. ''Just ignore Zayn and talk to Liam. He's a dick, but he's a sane dick, so he'll be easier to talk to. Zayn on the other hand.. just tune out everything he says. That's what I do.''

Harry nods while wiping his hands on his black jeans. He's wearing a white shirt with them, and Louis loves the way the colour looks against his skin.

But, then again, there hasn't been anything about Harry so far that he hasn't liked (he's aware of how ridiculous this is, really, he is, but he can't stop it apparently).

Harry says, ''You'll be fine too.''

Right, there's the other part Louis is nervous about (though mostly it's just Zayn meeting Harry, because Zayn is a complete nut case). Harry's best friend Niall. He prays that Niall isn't like Harry, because it's a miracle that Harry even associates with Louis, really.

Boys like Harry don't have time for boys like Louis. They're too sunny and happy and Louis is the exact opposite. Harry is all smiles and soft laughter and corny jokes, and Louis is all sharp edges and narrowed eyes and snappy remarks.

He can't park too close to the bar because there's cars lined all along the street. The bar is doing an all ages night while some band that Liam is a fan of plays.

Louis has never heard of them - not that he would tell Liam this - but Liam usually has a good taste in music, in Louis's opinion. Plus, Harry has never seen live music before, and Louis doesn't get how that's even possible.

As soon as he had mentioned it, Louis had promised he would take him sometime.

There are quite a few people out front, most of them smoking or waiting for someone. He spots Zayn and Liam, Zayn pressed against the wall, hands fisted in Liam's hair, making quite a scene although neither of them seem to notice or simply don't care enough to stop.

They are that couple. The one that is annoyingly often in your face. If they can be touching, they most likely are. But it's more than that. If they can be kissing, or rubbing against each other, or pulling off each other's clothes, they will do it.

Louis releases Harry's hand as Harry starts waving to someone, and he goes up to Liam and Zayn and kicks Zayn in the shins. Zayn yelps and pushes Liam away, a flire blazing in his eyes as he moves his gaze to Louis.

''Oh,'' he says. ''It's just you.''

''Can you two stop sucking each other's faces for, like, five seconds and come meet Harry?'' Louis asks.

''Ooh, Zayn, come meet Harry,'' Zayn mocks. ''Ooh, Zayn, you should have heard what Harry said the other day. Ooh, Zayn, Harry likes rom-coms and has got a really nice smile. Ooh, Zayn, I'm getting his face tattooed on my ass, want to see?''

''Fuck off.'' Louis mutters, looking around for Harry, who is a little closer to the doors, chatting with a guy who's wearing a black cap and a pair of sunglasses.

''So, which one is he?" Zayn asks, looking around. "Let me guess, don't tell me." He points to a guy with several face piercings and a mohawk. "That one?" Louis glares at him. "Okay, okay. What about that one?" This guy has jet black hair and is wearing a Nirvana shirt that Louis has at home in his drawer. When Louis shakes his head he points to another guy, this one in a leather jacket with the kind of grin that promises things. "Or that one."

Louis punches him in the shoulder and calls out, "Hey, H, over here."

Harry comes with Niall in tow, Niall's hands deep in his pockets.

"Wait, this is Harry?" Zayn demands, eyeing him in a way that makes Harry flush. Louis is going to punch Zayn in the fucking face in about three seconds, he swears to- "But he's gorgeous."

Oh. "Yeah, he is." Louis agrees.

"And normal looking." Zayn adds, eyeing Harry sceptically. "Fuck, I'd do him, actually."

Liam coughs and narrows his eyes a bit. "Nice to meet you, Harry." He says, mostly because his boyfriend didn't have the manners to.

"Harry, this is Liam," Louis says, gesturing to his friend. "And the asshole is obviously Zayn."

"Hi." Harry rocks back on his kneels and Louis puts a hand on his back.

"I'm Niall." The guy in question says, holding out his hand. Liam takes it and then Zayn eyes them both with an annoyed look before he offers his hand to Zayn too.

"Should we go in?" Liam asks abruptly.

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