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He's in a really irritated mood after lunch the next day. His cast is getting really itchy, and everytime he looks at it he thinks about Liam's dick, which is just extremely uncomfortable.

The small television in the toom is out of colour a bit, so even though it was nice of his mum to bring him his DVD player and a few movies, he'd having trouble watchinf them because he can't stop focusing on the way the colour is wrong. Oh, and Harry didn't come by.

He waited in bed from ten until twelve after putting effort of trying to lean against the counter and not put any weight on his injury while styling his hair, and it was all for nothing, apparently. Whatever, Louis really doesn't care. Harry was sort of annoying anyway.

When someone knocks on his door, he definitely does not perk up. He doesn't.

"Who is it?" Louis calls.

"It's, um, Harry? From yesterday? The- the volunteer?" He calls uncertainly through the door, like he's afraid Louis has somehow completely forgotten who he is in the last twenty-four hours.

"Come in," Louis says after rolling his eyes to himself.

Harry comes in with a smile and the same volunteer outfit from yesterday, except he's wearing a silver chain and a watch today, covering up some of his tattoos.

"I come bearing gifts," Harry says while kicking the door closed. He holds up a grease stained paper bag. "The food here really sucks, so I figured you wouldn't say no to a good, old, completely horrible for you McDonalds burger."

Louis' mouth is watering (and not just because of the way Harry's shirt clings to his skin).

"I definitely wouldn't say no." Louis agrees. Maybe he should, though, because there's no way spending time with Harry will be good for his health. He might end up actually smiling or something, and he'd made a pact not to do that until the day his mother revokes her grounding and gives him his phone back.

Just like yesterday, Harry sinks into the chair next to the bed. He digs into the bag in his lap and grabs two paper wrapped burgers, one of which he hands to Louis, the other he places on the bedside table. Then he pulls out two containers of fries and does the same.

"I didn't get any drinks," Harry says apologetically. "Sorry about that."

Louis unwraps his burger and then says, "You didn't have to do any of this, you know."

"Yeah, but I wanted to," Harry replies easily while balling up the bag. He crosses the room to throw it in the trash, and then pauses and widens his eyes before turning to Louis' shitty little television. "You're watching the Notebook?"

Louis flushes, embarassed. Zayn teases him for it all the time, claims that Louis is secretly a huge sap. And it's sort of true, but that's none of Harry's business.

"It was the only thing my mum brought that was watchable." he lies. In all honesty, he's watched the movie nine times and countint, and it's one of his favourites.

"'If you're a bird, I'm a bird.'." Harry quotes, and his Ryan Gosling voice is impressively accurate.

"So, you're a fan of romantic comedies then." Louis guesses.

"A bit, yeah," Harry says while moving back to his chair. "Haven't gotten the chance to see 'Clueless' yet, unfortunately."

Louis takes a bite of his burger. It's a bit cold, and the cheese isn't melted on top of the burger at all, but it's such a big improvement from the hospital food that he almost moans.

He eats half of it before he says, nonchalantly, "I could get it for us," Harry blinks at him and he hurries to add, "A friend of mine owns it. He could bring it in for me. It's not a big deal. I was going to get him to bring it anyway, so, whatever."

Harry's face lights up and he swallows the bite of the burger quickly, "That'd be great!" he says enthusiastically. "Brilliant. Yeah, we should.. yeah. I'd like that."

"Okay." Louis says quietly.

They spend the rest of Harry's visit in silence, mostly. They eat and watch the Notebook, with Harry and Louis both muttering lines under their breath because they've both obviously seen it so many times. Everytime they do, Harry gives Louis a secret smile, one that says a lot more than either of them would with their voices.

Harry cleans up both of their garbage, and he leaves with another awkward wave like he had the day before. Afterwards he puts on another movie and tries to get into it, but it just isn't the same without Harry sitting there, beside him, mouthing along to the dialogue.

take care of me // larry auWhere stories live. Discover now