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Harry is waiting out front, hands buried in the pockets of his jeans. He looks good, Louis thinks, until Harry gets in the car. Up close he looks exhausted and worn out.

''You okay?'' Louis asks, frowning at him. 

Harry grins, but it's not as sunny as usual. ''Yeah, I'm just a little tired,'' he admits. ''Hard day at work. I wasn't supposed to be doing much, today was supposed to be a lazy day, but some things got pushed around, and I ended up- It doesn't matter. I'm fine.''

Louis resists the urge to brush his fingers over the lines of Harry's face to smooth them out. ''So I was thinking we'd do dinner, and then-''

''Can we-'' Harry cuts him off, looking guilty and apologetic. ''I sort of already ate,'' he explains. ''Could we do something else? I'm really not hungry.''

''Okay,'' Louis agrees, trying not to panic because that's all he had planned, really. ''We'll go to a movie,'' he decided. ''Sound good?''

''Sounds great.'' Harry says brightly.

''And then afterwards you can come over to mine for a bit,'' Louis offers. ''I sort of have to prove to my mum that I'm actually going out with you, and not just using that as an excuse to get the car and stay out past curfew.''


''And I can finally finish that sketch,'' Louis adds. ''If you'll actually let me this time.''

''You just like an excuse to stare at me.'' Harry says flippantly.

Louis pulls away from the hospital and says, ''I do.''

Harry's cheeks flush and he looks out the window to hide it.


So he's not really sketching. Instead he's on top of Harry, kissing his lips raw. It's really not his fault. He was working on Harry's lips for the sketch, and they're sort of distracting, and when he licked them Louis couldn't help himself. 

He has no self control where Harry is concerned, apparently.

Harry's hands are spread wide over his back, barely moving, like he's not quite sure what's allowed here and what not. Louis would find that adorable (okay, he still does a bit) if he didn't desperately want Harry to touch him more.

''Harry,'' Louis says, sitting up a bit. His arm is still sort of damaged, and it hurts a little to put all his weight on it. There's the added awkwardness of his stupid, cast covered leg too, but Louis had worked through that one earlier when he had first climbed on top of Harry. ''You think way too much, mate.''

Harry blinks up at him. His lips are no longer pink, but are instead red and almost puffy, and spit slick in a way that makes Louis sort of want to lick and bite at them. There's a flush in his cheeks too, and a look in his eyes that is far too awed and fond for Louis to handle.

''Okay,'' Harry says quietly. ''Sorry.''

''Don't be sorry,'' Louis says quickly. ''Just kiss me the way you want to. I'm not stopping you.''

''Okay.'' Harry nods and then Harry leans down to kiss him again.

One of Harry's hands curl into his hair, tugging just hard enough for Louis to like it, while his other hand pushes up under Louis's shirt, nails scratching against his back.

And fuck, maybe he shouldn't have told Harry to do that, because it's making it really hard to think past the way Harry's lips feel and the way his dick is painfully hard.

Louis lets one of his hands slide down Harry's ribs over his shirt, and then he finds the hem of the material and pushes it up a bit, groaning at the feeling of warm, smooth skin under his fingertips, spread over what Louis guesses is an impressive amount of muscles.

''Can this come off?'' Harry asks a moment later, hand bunching up Louis's shirt.

Louis pulls back so he's sitting on top of Harry, and then he tugs off his shirt and tosses it on the floor without care. Harry's eyes widen and Louis gives him a moment, letting him take in the tattoos that cover his skin. Harry grabs his hand and flips it around.

He traces the empty quotation marks on the inside of his wrist. ''What does it mean?''

''I'll tell you another time,'' Louis promises. He doesn't really want to think about that one right now.

A/N: there's another update coming tonight, to make up for the time I didn't update ((':

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