chapter 3

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I heard a squeaking sound and I knew it was a door opening or closing, I tried as best as possible to keep my breathing regular cause I wouldn't want whoever it is having an advantage over me thinking I was scared. In fact I wasn't scared I was anxious, anxious since I had no clue what was going on, anxious because I don't know where I am where I stand and more importantly what to expect but nevertheless I've got to stay strong no matter what and never let my guard down or showing any sign of weakness as that might be what they want so they have an excuse to kill me. I heard light foot step so light they were almost inaudible but since my body is on edge I heard every sound in the place am located. The person stomped walking and was obviously near me as a I felt a presence near by sine am very sensitive and conscious about personal space but I couldn't tell if he/she was in front or behind me so I waited for what's to come.

" I am going to remove the clothes from your head and your going to keep quiet or there will be quite understood?" a very sinister yet miserable voice said. It was obvious this man didn't want to be here, I told myself my inner voice said the feeling is mutual bro, I ain't enjoying this either, and I rolled my eyes since am not sure I should speak. Without warning he yanked the cloth from over my head and the light went directly into my eyes. I blink rapidly in a futile attempt to see but I knew better as I have a extremely severe Migraine condition once too much light enters my eyes it automatically triggers so my eyes started to get foggy and I hissed my teeth in frustration. I guess the guy did not like that though cause the next thing I know I received a Brutal slap across my face and I felt a liquid slowly dripping from my face. To say I was shocked was an understatement, my defense mechanism took control of me and next thing I knew was that my feet somehow free and kicked the person with just enough force to knock him down. I causes see the man but I knew he was pissed because of the curses that left his mouth. Suddenly I felt excruciating pain in my legs the across my back followed by my arms then legs again continuosly. The pain was unbearable and I desperately wanted to let out a scream of despair or grunts of discomfort but I kept quite not giving him the satisfaction he desired. I felt like i was about to pass out before he stopped. I kept still unmoving because i didn't know why he stopped or what to expect. I heard him sigh before he walked away and for a second i was relieved tha he was leaving until he spoke.

" You will now be given a test of severe torture in which you are mostly to die. If you were to past which I doubt the king will see you and decide your purpose while if you die well you don't need to know what happens then cause your dead." he said cocky and at that moment I just knew the asshole was smirking but he hasn't met me this bitch will live I thought as I felt a wave of eletricity flowing through my body followed by my ear piercing scream of bloody murder. To say I can still feel the electricity passing through me is an understatement and that asshole's voice filled with laughter isn't making this situation any better.

" Awwww is my tough girl losing her touch?"e asked mockingly before laughing hysterically.

This damsel in distress attitude is getting me no where only making me a laughing stock for this guy and am done being the source of his amusement I thought to myself. I mean it's just a little pain right man up and get it together I mean I have got to survive this I thought, This is not the ending I want. I told myself before the electricution began yet again but this time it was full force and I held on for so long before I felt my self slipping into unconsciousness.


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