Chapter 9

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Greyson's POV

I race into the clearing littered with rogue bodies and blood, Melody had put up a hell of a fight. They seemed to have only just left minutes ago, as their scents were still thick in the air, I ran with Eli close behind, following the scents past the boarder until it faded. 

I howled in pain and anger, how could I have lost my Melody again, stolen from my fingertips. I had to find her, neither I nor my wolf would rest till we found our mate again and really murder the bastard who took her.

Melody's POV

I woke up in one of many dank cells, built up of silver bars that I could smell and it made me want to be sick,

 "Melody!?" a scared voice called out, 

"Jane!" my voice was harsh and quiet, how long had I been out and what did they inject into my neck. 

"Oh thank the moon goddess your alright, you've been out for at least two days" 

What! how long had we been here, where was Greyson? who had taken us... but then I remembered the rogue, the one who wanted me. 

"Ah I see you've come around at last, wolfsbane affects people in different ways, sometimes people don't wake up at all after that amount." 

I let out a low growl, "What do you want and who are you, apart from a murderous stalker of my family!" 

"Haven't you already guessed! My, my, you and your silly lap dog are quite slow aren't you! I am Alpha Nero, leader of the rogues, and you my dear Melody as I told you before a few weeks ago are my mate, from the combination of my rogue power and your moon blood our children will be unstoppable" 

I was half expecting him to let out an evil cackle like in the old spy movies. 

"I will never ever be with you and never produce your vile offspring, I am already fully mated to Greyson and I will kill you at the first chance I get!" I growled out, this made him laugh 

"Oh my sweet Melody, you don't have the power to kill me and as for your so called mate Greyson, I will kill him breaking your bond and making you mine for the taking." 

"If Greyson dies then so will I" 

"No you won't I'll ensure you don't" and with that he left, I fell back against the wall and couldn't help but start sobbing 

"Don't worry Melody, I'm sure Alpha Greyson will find us soon" Whispered Jane, I could only whimper, half hoping he wouldn't or I feared Nero would kill him.

The days seemed to slip away, and all the while Jane and I would try to keep each others hope up, but each time Nero visited me and told me of Greyson's attempts to find me, and which of my pack members had been killed that day in their rogue attacks, not to mention the doses of wolf's bane I was dosed with to stop me from shifting and the silver bars weakening me I wasn't sure for how much longer I could go on for. 

I began feeling sick a lot and started to throw up the little food they gave us, and my strength seemed to ebb away slowly and painfully. It was only after two weeks after we had been taken we figured out, when Jane asked after another of retching sessions, 

"Melody do... do you think there's a chance you could be pregnant?" 

I froze, terrified that it might be true, as Greyson and I hadn't used protection when we did it. To make matters worse, the pregnancy would only last four months because of Greyson being an Alpha meaning I would begin to show soon. 

I lent back against the wall, "There could be a small chance I suppose" I whispered "but there's no way of knowing for sure without a doctor or a pregnancy test" 

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