Chapter 4

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Melody's POV

The next morning I woke up and the first thing which came to my mind was Greyson and that stupid kiss! 

Getting up I had a quick shower, and pulled on a mint green sundress ending above my knee. I then dried my hair, and brushed out the tangles, letting the long soft red curls fall around me, deciding to leave it down for today. I slipped on my white toms and head downstairs to find some breakfast. 

It was fairly early on a Sunday morning and I wasn't expecting anyone to be up, but to my surprise there was a guy already downstairs in the kitchen, my hunger forcing me not to be scared off I walked in and rummaged through the cupboards till I found some cereal. I could feel his gaze on me and I finally looked up and said, "It's rude to stare you know"

This only made all him smirk "Surely it's within my right to inspect the new catch of the day!" 

I felt like throwing up the food I had just eaten, he was clearly a jackass and a player, "Wow what a real charmer you are" I said sarcastically heading for the door, but he blocked my path 

"Hey you're not going anywhere princess" he said with a smirk on his face which made my skin crawl. 

"Actually I think I am so get out of my way" I said glaring at him, 

"Now now, none of that feistiness thank you" he was backing me up to the wall. 

Oh crap crap! I really wish Eli, Noah or Emma were here right now, hell I'd even have Greyson if it meant this creep would back off!

No sooner had the thought entered my head when I heard a thundering on the star case and a shirtless Greyson stormed shoving the guy into the wall and holding him there by his throat, I let out a little shriek, 

"How dare you touch or even approach my mate! I'll rip your throat!" growled Greyson, 

"I'm sorry Alpha" gasped the guy, "I didn't know she was your mate" 

Greyson pressed down harder on the guy, next thing I knew Eli was there hauling Greyson off the guy who fell to the ground coughing. 

"Melody you need to calm him down!" Shouted Eli as he struggled to help the guy on the ground and stop Greyson from ripping his throat out. 

I rushed forward and put my hands on either side of Greyson's face forcing him to look at me and feel the sparks which erupted at the touch of our skin, "Look at me Greyson" I said in a calm but slightly shaken  voice, "You need to calm down, look at me I'm fine, please calm down" 

He didn't seem to be hearing my words as his eyes were still black with fury, I then did the only thing I could think of and lent up burring my face in the crook of his neck, rubbing my scent on him and placing small kisses at the base of his neck. It worked almost immediately and soon I felt Greyson bending his head breathing in my scent. 

When I pulled away I saw his eyes had turned back to their perfect green and he had stopped trying to kill the guy now being dragged out of the room by Eli. "Are you ok now?" I asked softly, 

"I heard your thoughts in my sleep and came crashing down the stairs to see that bastard Liam backing you into a corner and placing his scent on you" Darkness creeps back into his eyes as he spoke and I quickly placed soft kisses on his jaw to calm him down again, 

"It's ok, don't worry I just came down for some breakfast and he kinda started to approach me." 

Greyson growled, "It's the unmated males they think your game for them as your a new unmarked female." 

He paused and looked down at me, "That dress isn't helping, you look completely gorgeous in that with your hair falling down everywhere" he ran his fingers through some of my curls, causing a smile to come to my lips, "Only I should be allowed to see you like this" He growled slightly playfully, but also slightly serious. 

I looked him straight in the eye and felt myself thinking of a future with Greyson, if things went well, "I will let you mark me Greyson if things go well, just give me time ok" 

Greyson gently pushed me against wall and buried his face in the crook of my neck again, "it doesn't help when  you tease me with a dress like this, your basically saying come hither!" he growled into my neck, sending shivers down my spine. 

I pushed him back gently, "Well I think that it's a good chance to show your control" I say teasingly and ran off outside, with Greyson chasing after me, my laughter echoing through the trees as we entered the woods.

Greyson scooped me up around my waist and spun my round, "Ha! I've caught you and your evil dress!" I slid slowly down his chest my eyes never leaving his, 

"Well obviously, your an Alpha you have an unfair advantage" 

"I know" he smirked, "but you let me catch you, you don't want to run from me." 

"Oh don't I now" but the confidence had left my voice as he brought his lips to mine, 

"No you don't" he growled softly against my lips, before claiming them with his.

After a heated kiss we walked in silence through the quiet woods, "How old are you?" I asked Greyson, realising I knew next to nothing about him, "I'm 22, what about you?" 

"I'm 17, but 18 in a month" 

I continued asking questions and I found out that his favourite colour was navy, he had younger sister who was ten and not exactly planned by his parents, his father had died 4 years ago, so Greyson became Alpha when he was 18. 

Greyson then asked about me and my music, school and friends, "You haven't had any boyfriends have you?" he asked a slight growl edged his voice, what a perfect opportunity to tease him! 

"Just a couple" 

Now this really did make him growl and he backed me up against a tree, "How serious?" 

"Oh don't worry it wasn't anything special!" I said with a laugh, but his darkening face told me it was time to stop teasing, "Greyson its fine nothing went any further then kissing! I only went on a couple of dates and it didn't work out ok! I'm still pure or whatever" 

"Good" he said kissing my neck, "I would have to go and deal with them if anything had happened" This irritated me as all the rumours said that Greyson left a trail of broken hearted women, and he would of been angry if I had been with guys! What a hypocrite! 

I pushed him away, "What about you, everyone knows that slept with half the state!" I said bitterly, he smirked, "Somebody isn't jealous are they?" I glared at him, he caught my arm and pulled me back towards him, "Yes, I made mistakes in the past, but that was before you, before I found my beautiful mate." 

I gave him a soft kiss on his lips and whispered, "ok" 

He smiled down at me, "ok" he replied, "I've got some Alpha business to do, do you want me to go find Eli to stay with you." 

"I think I'll just walk in the woods a bit longer, but you can send him to join." he nodded and headed off in the direction of the pack house.

I walk on a bit further before hearing footsteps behind me, turning round with a smile thinking it was Eli, I faltered when six large ragged wolves began to circle me, and then a man came from behind me covering my mouth with a cloth. I struggled against his grip before slumping weakly, "We've been looking for you moon child" and then everything went dark.

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