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   Once you arrived back to the bunker and told Sam where you had gone, you wandered back to your room and fell down onto your bed. It was actually rather comfortable, and you soon found yourself drifting off to sleep. You dreamed about traveling the world with Dean, and being able to kiss him and be together and you didn't die every day. It was blissful, and you yearned to have that in real life. 

  The bed dipping down and someone gently shaking your shoulder woke you up, and you slowly opened up your eyes to meet Dean's face. He smiled softly, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 

  "Hey, I didn't mean to wake you. I just came to check on you." Dean whispered, and you smiled before propping yourself up on your elbow. 

  "It's fine, I was just resting for a minute." You explained, and Dean nodded. The two of you looked at each other, the silence comforting as you tried to memorize his face. Your face fell as a pain jabbed at you, and you clutched the blanket. 

  "It's that time again." You told Dean, letting out a pained chuckle. Dean's face instantly filled with worry, and he stood up. 

  "I'll go get something to help." He said, before running out of the room. You cried out as the pain got worse, and you squeezed your eyes shut. 

~Time skip because the author is too lazy to write the death scene~

    "Maybe we should just find a way to get it to stop. There has to be a way." Dean whispered. You heard hushed voices when you came to, but you kept your eyes closed. You knew if you showed you were awake, the conversation would stop. 

    "Dean, you really think she hasn't tried? I've known Y/n for eons, which means I know how many times she's tried to stop it. There's nothing we can do." Castiel hissed back. 

  "Well, she told me that if she and I kiss then she'll become mortal. Mortality means no more deaths. So there is a way." Dean said. 

  "The only thing that gives Y/n purpose is her immortality. She wouldn't give it up. She wants to learn everything there is to know, and that requires never leaving this Earth. Would you really take that away from her?" Castiel replied. 

   "Guys, why don't we let Y/n decide? It is her life." That was Sam, and you wanted to hug him for reminding them that they didn't get to choose how you lived your life. You heard two sighs, one from Dean and the other from Cas. You decided now was the time to wake up. 

  "Sam's right, it is my choice." You said, sitting up. All three turned to look at you, and you shot them all a small smile. Dean came and sat down next to you, taking your hand in his. 

  "Y/n, please. Consider it. I can't stand seeing you die every day." He begged, eyes pleading. You sighed, caressing his cheek and smiling. At this point you didn't know what you wanted anymore, so you decided that saying you'd think about it wouldn't hurt anything. 

 "I'll consider it, okay? But don't get your hopes up." You said, and he nodded. Sam went to make you some food, even though you didn't need to eat, and Cas went to go get your favorite movie while Dean stayed and cuddled you.

   "I don't mean to take away your purpose or whatever, I just don't want you to hurt anymore." Dean said, running his fingers through your hair. You nodded against his chest, sighing. 

   "I know, Dean. And I thank you for that, it's just... complicated." You replied, trying to find the best way to say what you were thinking. 

   "Complicated? How so?" He questioned. You looked up at him, brushing your fingers against his jawline. 

  "I just- I've never wanted to be mortal. I've always wanted to be immortal, having powers and never having to eat. It's amazing. But then you came along, and now I want to be able to be with you. It's all very confusing for me." You told him. 

   "Oh, well, I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you confused." Dean replied, and you chuckled. "It's alright, it was bound to happen at some point." You replied, just as Sam walked in with some chicken noodle soup.

  "Soup, anyone?" He asked with a smile. 

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