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By the time your motorcycle ride with Dean was over, you felt exhilarated. You'd never been on a motorcycle before, but now it was your favorite type of transportation. You hopped off the bike, letting out a happy sigh. Dean did the same, turning to you.

"So where are we?" You asked, looking at the big building in front of you. Dean turned to you, a mischevious and excited smile on his face.

"We're at the grocery store. Because all great stories of adventure should start with a trip to the grocery store." Dean explained, and you raised an eyebrow. That was not what you had been expecting.

"So we're going to buy food?" You asked, looking up at the big building again. Dean shook his head, taking your hand and sending tingles through your whole arm. "No, no. We're not just going to buy food. So much fun can be had in a grocery store. Just you wait." Dean said, and you smiled and nodded. He lead you inside, and the two of you took a second to look around the giant store.

"So, where do we go first?" You asked, turning to Dean. "First, we go and get ourselves some fancy sunglasses." Dean replied, pointing to the spinning rack of sunglasses. You laughed, walking over to them and trying to pick the ones you liked best. Dean did the same, and soon you were both sporting sunglasses.

"Now what?" You asked, moving the tag so you could actually see Dean. "Now we go grab all the snacks we can without using a cart then we go to the bathroom and eat them all. Without paying." Dean said, smirking. You chuckled nervously, which was something you only did when you didn't know what else to do, and nodded.

"Come on. We've got a lot to do." Dean said, before turning on his heel and walking to the food. You followed, not knowing whether this was a good idea or not. But Dean was human, and that meant he knew more about life than you. So you would follow his lead. For now.

"Grab anything that looks good." Dean said, before he began filling his arms with packaged food. You nodded, doing as he told you and grabbing everything you could see that looked even a little bit appealing.

"You got everything?" Dean asked, turning to you. You nodded, trying not to drop any of the stuff you had in your arms. "Alright, follow me." Dean said, and he began walking towards the bathrooms. You followed, looking around to see that people were glancing your and Dean's way. In a split second, you used your powers to make you and Dean invisible, watching as the people who were watching you's faces fill with confusion at your sudden disappearance. 

  "Come on." He said, opening the door to the family bathroom and moving to let you in. You walked in, looking around the small room and wondering what you were supposed to do. Dean walked in, shutting the door and locking it so people couldn't walk in. You retracted your power, making the two of you visible again. 

 "Alright, let's dig in." Dean said, sitting down on the floor and beginning to eat his snacks. You did the same, partaking in the packaged goods. The two of you made small talk, him explaining that the two of you still had a lot to do and this was the only beginning. 

 "So I'm guessing we're going to have to find times to do this when I'm not going to die. Because it happens at the same time every day, which will sometimes put a damper on all our adventures." You said as you put a handful of jellybeans into your mouth.

 "Yeah, that's true." Dean said, his face going solemn. You instantly regretting saying anything as you watched the smile fade from Dean's face, "We'll have to work around it." You let out a small laugh, watching Dean smile again. 

 "So which snack do you like the best?" Dean asked, and you pursed your lips in thought. You had tried dozens of snacks, all delicious in their own way. 

 "Hm, I'd have to say *your favorite snack*." You told Dean, watching as he nodded in agreement. The two of you ate in silence for a minute, both lost in your own thoughts. Soon, the two of you were finished and you threw away all the wrappers before walking out of the bathroom and then out of the store. You walked over to the motorcycle, pressing your hand to it to start it up again and watching as Dean climbed on. You climbed on behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he rode out of the parking lot. He headed back to the bunker, promising more adventures later but for now, it was time to rest.

Changes (Dean Winchester X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن