We Must Go

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"The meal was delicious," Susanna thanks Martha for the food she provided to us. "It is so special for you and Mary to open your home to us while the others are having supper."

I sit on the floor of the large open room. Susanna, Mary, Martha, Salome, the other Mary, and Joanna all sit around me.

Martha smiles and says, "My pleasure. You all travel so much, so it is great to see everyone."  Martha loves to plan meals for groups of people. Actually, not too long ago, she had a meal for Jesus and some other people. She has a brother, Lazarus, who is very good friends with Jesus.

"How has your time at the Temple been?" Mary, Martha's sister, asks me from across the room. Just by looking at these two women, you would definitely be able to tell that they are sisters; they are almost like twins! They both have long dark hair, like most people here do, and large smiles. Other than their looks though, they are actually very different. Mary loves talking with people and having laid back discussion times, but as for Martha, she loves having structured dinners. Each one has very unique gifts. They have become our dearest friends!

I answer Mary's question, "I have seen so many amazing things. Jesus has taught very powerful messages. Did you hear of what He did the first day?"

"I did actually. He overturned the tables," Salome says as she giggles with the other Mary. These two other women are both mothers of the group, and we all look up to them. Salome's sons are James and John, and this Mary is James the younger's mother.

"What were the people doing?" Martha asks.

"Well, as we entered, everyone saw that the Temple was not being used for praising our God, but instead-" Joanna is interrupted by a heavy knock on the door. I lean up and excuse myself from the group. The women continue talking as I walk toward the door. I pull up the long wooden board, unlocking it, and open the door. A curly-haired, tall man stands on the other side looking at the ground. It's John!

"Hi, John." I welcome him inside. John is usually very joyful, but right now, he is not. My stomach clenches. Something's not right.

I try to meet his eyes to get any insight as to what has happened. He runs his hands through his coarse hair, and his cheeks grow a rosy pink tint. 

John goes to sit beside his mother, Salome. He looks up at us and says, "It's Jesus. He's been arrested." The room is silent. Tears form in my eyes, and my breath is knocked out of me. "Wait. What do you mean? How did this happen?" I ask as I turn around, shut, and lock the door.

He takes a deep breath, "We had the Passover meal, an- and it was fine. Then, Jesus said that someone sitting at the table would betray him." Martha gasps and covers her mouth. We all stare in disbelief. Who would do such a thing? John continues, "Jesus wanted to go to the Mount of Olives to pray. When we arrived at the garden, he went farther in to begin his prayer. He told us to stay awake, but my eyes were so heavy. We all kept falling asleep. When he came to us the third time to wake us up, I noticed a huge group of people coming towards us. At first, I didn't understand who they were. Then they came into view, and I realized Judas was the leader. They all carried swords and clubs. It was like Jesus was a criminal." He looks down at his lap in despair.

"No," I whisper. Everyone is full of sorrow. God, let your will be done. Let your will be done.

"Judas betrayed him. Then they arrested Jesus. I fled. We all fled. They took him." John says. He rubs his head, and Mary cries into her hands. Surely they will release him. What harm has he done? There is nothing he can be tried for, right?

I jump up from my sitting, and strongly say, "What are we doing just sitting here? We must go."

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