How did we get here?

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How did we get here? I look up to the huge cross towering over me. "Jesus. It shouldn't have happened. Why?" I shout, "God, why did you take Him away right when He was saving lives?" A small, still voice comes to me, "This is only the beginning."


"A sower went out to sow his seed," Jesus surveys all the people sitting around Him. I sit in awe, as usual, at how amazing my life is. The lush green grass breezes below my leg as I sit on the top of a small hill not too far from Nazareth. I turn my head and notice an abundant crowd forming below us. There's easily hundreds of men, women, and children. Jesus especially loves the children, and they love Him too. They sit in his lap and laugh as he shares with them stories of his amazing adventures.

My life has changed a great deal since I started getting to not only see this happiness and laughter, but to also experience it. I began traveling with Jesus when I saw the miracles he performed. Traveling with him was the best decision I ever made. Jesus tucks a piece of his dark hair behind his ear and stands. He grasps John's hand and bows his head. He closes this story in prayer. I pick up my cloth satchel and swing it over my shoulder.  

"Teacher, what might that parable mean?" James asks as others gather around him.

Jesus answers, "Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God; but to others in parables, that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand." Jesus continues to explain the parable he told the people. I ponder on the few words that he continues to share with us. He says, "But that on the good ground are they that, in an honest and good heart, having heard the Word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience." We all step back, and the crowd floods to Jesus. Everyone goes to simply touch him, and witness the miracles. A woman runs and falls on her knees crying out to God, a crippled man limps over to Jesus, and a wealthy man holds a bag of coins. I gently push through the hundreds going up the hill as I head down. In the distance I catch sight of a familiar face, Mary!

"Sorry. Excuse me. Hi! Sorry." I break my way through the people. I finally make it down the crowd, and spot Mary a little bit farther up the hill than before. "Mary! Hi, how are you?" I say.

Jesus's mother turns around, and says, "Hello, Mary Magdalene! It is so great to see you." She embraces me in a warm, inviting hug.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Her long dark hair falls, framing her face. The rest of her hair is unseen because of the headscarf around her neck. She is clothed in the most beautiful sky blue tunic tied at the waist with a dainty leather rope. You can barely see her leather sandals peek out from the bottom of the tunic. We discuss how our once ordinary lives have changed to be very unordinary.

"I'm going to try and go up the hill to see my son. Goodbye Mary. I am so very proud of you. See you soon," Mary says. She turns to her other son behind her and heads up the hill, into the growing crowd of people. I stroll over to some young children playing by an old structure, and bend down to speak to them.

"Greetings, children," all of them begin to smile and run over to me.

"Do you know Jesus?" a little boy around 8 years old gazes up at me with his huge brown eyes. His sandals are torn and his long tunic, covered in dirt, is ripped at the bottom.

"I do. Did you get to meet him? He loves children just like you," I say. Other children, of all ages, walk over to join our little circle. The little boy shakes his head and frowns. They haven't met Jesus yet.

"Come. Come and meet our Teacher." I hold the little boy's hand and turn back towards the hill. He lets go.

"No, there are too many people." He looks down at the ground.

"What is your name?" I bend down to about eye-level with the young boy. The other children keep their eyes directly on me.

"I am Ananias, and this is Imma, my sister," Ananias points over at his sister. I smile at her, and she gently raises her hand to a wave. 

"Let's go see Jesus. He'll make sure to speak to you," I say with a smile. Imma reaches out her hand, and I guide them up the hill. After waiting for a very long time, we finally make it to Jesus. Ananias and Imma's eyes light up, and they drop my hands as they walk up to see him.

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