The Silent Room

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I walk up the steps leading to the huge Temple doors. Still flocking to Jesus, the people all sit below him in a circle when we enter. As he begins teaching, an elder speaks out, "By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?" Everyone turns around and faces him. Surrounded by the chief priests and other elders, the group stares directly at Jesus.

Jesus rubs his hands together and walks closer to the priests and elders. I look over and make eye contact with Peter, sitting across the room. "The baptism of John, from where did it come? From heaven or from man?" Jesus asks.

I really don't know what the elder will say next. The elder turns to his "group" behind him, and they begin discussing. I assume that they are having a little dilemma from this question.

The elder faces the crowd and Jesus. The room is silent. He strokes his long grey beard and answers, "We do not know." 

Not looking at all surprised, Jesus says, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things. What do you think? A man had two sons..." Continuing in His teachings, Jesus doesn't let the elders, Pharisees, or priests cease his mission. This happens quite often, where the priests don't believe what Jesus is saying. They often disagree on certain topics. As Jesus preaches simply on loving God and your neighbor, the priests and Pharisees focus on following laws and rules.

The day continues with amazing stories from Jesus. I gather my mat, that I brought to sit on, and go to say goodbye to a woman I met. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around.

"Hi. I- I'm sorry to disturb you. I was just wondering if I..." her gentle voice trails off as she looks down at the ground. She tucks a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

"Hi. What's your name?" I ask her. I use this method of communicating with other people. Usually if they seem nervous, I will ask them their name and let them feel comfortable. I used it on Ananias, the boy I met only a few days ago.

"I'm Sapphira," she says as her dark brown eyes meet mine. By the look of her tunic, I can tell she is wealthy.

"Well, hello Sapphira. I'm Mary. It is so great to meet you." I tell her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too." She continues, "This may sound absolutely crazy, but I have to ask. Is there any way I can start traveling with Jesus?" I smile. She does look young, but then again, she also looks very capable.

"Absolutely. We would love to have you. Have you gotten to speak to Jesus yet?" I ask as I embrace her into a side hug, and we walk over to continue our conversation.

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