Why are they doing this?

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We finally arrive at the bottom of the steps leading into the Temple. About fifteen steps lead up to the massive stone doors. Still following Jesus, we enter.

The tall building opens up before me, and it's beauty glistens with the light peeking through the door. I hear coins clattering and people yelling. Tables and benches fill up the once-open entrance. Pigeons are locked in cages, and linens are laid out on tables for sale. I realize what is going on. People are using the Temple to sell things. This building is a place used to worship the Lord our God, but by the looks of it, that's not what it is being used for now. I look at the disciples. They have the same look on their face. I can't fully describe it, but it's a mix between confusion and hurt.

"Why are they doing this?" I hear Andrew ask from behind me. Jesus slowly turns His head from one side to the other and gazes across the room. He takes a few steps, and I hold my breath, expecting Jesus to call out to these lost people. Sitting behind one wooden tables is a short man with a thick, dark beard. His long robe brushes against the ground. On the table is a weaved wooden cage holding two pigeons. I glance back over the whole room and see that this is only one of the many tables selling all sorts of items. One man has three cloaks laid out on his table, while another has leather sandals. Jesus walks to the short man selling pigeons and skims his hands over the top of the table. A taller, heavier man stands beside Jesus, and I'm guessing he is there to buy a pigeon. Before I know it, Jesus has flipped over the table. The little man is left sitting in his chair with coins rolling beneath him. He scurries to pick up the money. 

Jesus makes his way around the whole room flipping over the tables. When all of them are overturned, everyone looks astonished and faces Jesus. What will He say? He stands in the middle of the room with authority and says, "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you make it a den of robbers."

Jesus clears out all the people buying and selling. The tables are gone, along with the items. The only people left are standing, sitting, and leaning against the stone, beige walls of the room. Many are sick. They cough, sneeze, and even cry out in pain. We, the followers of Jesus, stand on the other side of the wall, closest to the entrance. Jesus walks over to the sick and hurting to sit to talk with them. Before we know it, it's back to normal: Jesus begins healing and changing lives.

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