Original Chapter: 24

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Third person POV

~15 years later~

Alpha William sat at his desk, zoned out. In his hands was a picture of his mate and himself with their husky. In the picture, Alice was laughing and she looked carefree. Her cheeks were tinted a light pink as William had snuck a kiss in as the picture was taken. Her smile was happy, not expecting her imminent doom.

A tear slid down the cheek of the alpha. For the sake of the pack, he had to put on a brave face and built walls around his emotions to trap them. But behind closed doors, those emotions came out. For hours, he often sat on the bed, looking at pictures of the couple. Other times, he would stay on the roof until the sun came out and talk to his deceased mate.

As promised, Alice listened and helped out both packs when necessary.

Star led the pack well. She almost beat Alice's record for strongest female alpha alive. Andrew faithfully led by Star's side. Never leaving unless for pack reasons. Alice had requested that the Lunar Nightstar pack alphas be a line of females. Males if needed, but she preferred it as females, seeing how males often acted upon rage and don't think about their actions. Plus, males are usually more possessive of their mates and would kill their own beta or father if the female is even scratched, much like a car to some males. It's not saying that a female wouldn't do that, it's just implying that females are usually more level-headed and can usually sit down and find out the reasons for ones actions.

"Rouges." Alex ran in panting like he just sprinted around the world.

William reluctantly left the picture by his bed. He slowly rose from the bed and sulked out of the room. Alice's scent had long gone, but he felt a little better.

Every rouge he came across, William was merciless(?). He killed every rouge within range. Any male alpha would. High ranks = more danger for the mates of whoever the wolf is aiming for.

William had been ready to die for 15 years. His wolf made him honor his mates dying wish, to stay alive. He had already tried many ways to kill himself. Rouges attacks, asked members to kill him, self harm, almost exposed the supernatural world to unsuspecting beings, the list was endless.

The two males scurried out of the pack house. The number of pack members verses the rouges were 4:1. It was very unlikely that the rouges would win. Dead bodies littered the ground, none of those belonged to fellow members of the pack.

The rouge attack lasted. This group of rouges were more experienced and knew weak links of pack members. Attacking mates, family members, and most importantly, the pack's alpha and beta.

A group of well trained warrior wolves stood guard around the two ranking wolves. The leader of the rouge pack was nowhere to be seen.

William scanned the battlefield and attacked which ever rouge that came close to killing a member of his pack. As he jumped into action, attacking a rouge that did not shift, a force pushed him away. He looked in relief as the mate of the unsuspecting wolf tackled the young holding a gun.

William focused back on the task at hand.

A rouge wolf, brown fur with gray patches around its legs, stood tall in front of him. William growled lowly at the youngster, seeing he was below the age of 20. The wolf that stood in front of the alpha was larger than a normal wolf. His wolf radiated power of a beta, or a former beta, but that didn't compare to that of Williams.

The two males struck at the same time. A deafening silence filled the air as the rouge attacked their alpha. Seeing as he was in a beta position, he was challenging William for the alpha role.

Pack members and rouges alike watched as the two males ripped and bit at each other. Growls were heard as the two males battled it out.

The rouges knew that if the young boy lost, they would have to scram. Yet they stood there and watched as the alpha beat him to a pulp.

The pack members watched with pride as their alpha effortlessly beat up the challenger. Yet they were so caught in the moment that they didn't notice factor that could cost their alpha's life.

A mention of his deceased mate could end it all. Although he made an effort to continue strong, it showed how Alice's 'death' affected him. He was desperate to die. When in battle, his wolf would fill the empty spots and make him available as a warrior and leader. But this 'mode' of his was unstable. His wolf still mourned over the 'death' of Alice. And it was a sensitive subject to an alpha.

Everyone heard the leader of the rouges and everyone saw Williams reaction.

"So, how has your life been with out your Alice."

The one name. Williams head snapped towards the rouges. He growled defensively, yet you could hear the wavering in the growl. The youngster, a smart little ass, took this distraction as an advantage. He launched himself at the distracted alpha and bit down. Blood poured out of the wound that the alpha had and he winced.

Pack members watched as William did a move only noble alphas did. He bit himself.

Now you might ask why would that help. Well, when the challenger has wounded the alpha, he is not yet the new ruler. If the alpha doesn't submit, it's a challenge to the death. The survivor most times would be the new alpha, but this act has only been done by one other alpha.

By killing himself, the challenger is not the winner. The opposing wolf has to have the final kill before it is handed over. If an alpha were to kill themselves, the position would move to the beta, not the challenger.

William's wolf made no attempt to stop his actions. He knew that this was the only way for neither of them to win. It would've been preferred if William had won, but the previous moon goddess had already cut the line.

Using the last of his energy, he mind linked his beta.

'You are now alpha. You will see a note I had written a few days after Alice died, the first time i tried to commit suicide. In the note, you will have all you need to know. I wish u best of luck.'

William breathed in one last time, before he bit down on the wound once again. Blood poured out in heaps and he finally closed his eyes.

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