Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Three words. That's all that took for my life to turn into hell. The three worlds that no mate wants to hear. Yup you heard me right. Mate.

My name is Alice Alyssa Wildmer. I live in the Red Moon pack, one of the strongest there is. Our whole town is occupied by werewolves. In case you didn't hear me, I said werewolves. Yup, those mythical creatures considered dangerous, we are living proof they exist. But, I have nothing more to fight for. My happiness as a shifter was taken the day I was rejected.

I was running in my human form, feeling content as the breeze flowed through my long silver hair. The air was fresh and clean. I turned around for a quick second to see if I could see how far I've run. Suddenly, I crashed into someone. I felt sparks erupt on my skin when I came into contact with a person. I looked up in shock just in time for my Alpha, William, to whisper "mate".

Seconds later, I was being held by the neck. I grabbed helplessly at the hands gripping my neck. "You will say this to no one got it? You are not my mate. I don't care that we were meant to be soulmates. I reject you." I could hear my wolf howling in pain from the half-way-done rejection. "I, Alpha William Connor Merts, reject you, Alice Alyssa Wildmer, as future Luna and as my mate. I, furthermore ban you from ever speaking about this to anyone or I will torture you in the dungeons. Do you understand me?" My wolf now crumpled.

I nodded, numb from the pain of my other half, my mate, not wanting me.

Word got out that I was rejected. The pack has treated me like crap. Even the omega gets more respect than me. Seriously! I've become their personal maid: cleaning the whole house for them. Doing all their homework. Paying bills. What do I get in return? Nothing, but beatings that leave me with bruises. Sighing, I got back to work.

The clothes were dried and the food was set out. The dishes were washed and put away. The house looked like it had been polished from the top floor to the basement. I plopped down on my bed as I finished straightening out my hair. My pale blue eyes stared back at me as I examined the bruises that were currently healing. My whole body was covered in scars. I wore baggy clothes to reduce the pain in the deeper wounds. My silver hair flowed freely down to my chest and sometimes looked white at certain angles. I sighed as I recalled the looks of the girls that my mate always went after. They all were skinny, with long legs that seemed to go on endlessly. I had both of those. So why didn't he want me. I had the 'requirements' to be his mate. I had the hourglass figure that he found 'hot'. I was a little bit chubbier than the other girls but it wasn't noticeable. What did I do to get everyone to hate me?

I cleaned up the last bit of the house before exiting through the back door. The sparkling stars and the calming moon soothed me as I went on a small run. I let my wolf completely take over. Her silver fur was combed down by the strong wind. The black tips of her paws, tail, and ears were noticeable as they were pressed against her shimmering fur. Her heart was pounding as she kept replaying the rejection. She growled and turned away as we unintentionally approached the spot where he had rejected me. My wolf blocked me as she ran, trying to let out all the sorrow and the pain. Tears blurred her vision and she started hitting into trees on accident. Reaching a meadow, she gave up and laid down in the soft, damp grass. She lifted her snout and let out a long sad howl. I cried along with her. We were both hurt from the rejection. She wouldn't admit it, but I knew the only thing keeping his wolf and mine apart was the human that I called my Alpha mate. Her paws formed a small resting place for her head as she cried silently. I calmed her and slowly, she released control and retreated. I smiled sadly at the heartbroken wolf in my mind. I granted her wish to stay here for a little bit.

With all the stress of rejection and work, we dozed off in the meadow. The flowers created a beautiful smell as we slowly drifted off to sleep.



I jumped. Oh gosh. I'm going to get a really bad beating. The sun was high in the sky as I sprinted back to the house.

"Where were you!?" Alpha William growled harshly.

I cringed away from his glare.

"I-I-I was out for a run... Alpha." I quietly replied.

He growled again and slapped me down.

"Clean up my room and it better be finished before I return. I want you to then finish the essays you haven't finished. They are due tomorrow."

I stood to my feet hesitantly. "Yes, Alpha." I submitted.

He pushed me roughly away as he stormed out the door.

With tears streaming down my face, I trudged to his room. It stank of other female wolves, but I couldn't defy the Alpha. I got to work, knowing he'd be home in about 15 minutes. The room was soon clean, but still smelled of female wolves. Tears appeared in my eyes as I remembered the rejection.

I had a plan to run, but I knew if I tried now, I would be caught and punished. So all I could do now was wait for the perfect time to run. My wolf was ready whenever I was. It was hurting her more each day when we weren't standing proud next to our mate. So when I finally was going to run, I at least knew that she wouldn't stop me from escaping.

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