Chapter Twenty One

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 "Another win for Team Sala," Derek yelled as we walked into the hotel room we were in. "We should totally go get drinks and party."

 "You go ahead," I sighed collapsing on the couch. "I'm not up to it, just want a bath and bed."

 "Babe," Derek sighed sitting beside me. "Its been six months and your still moping. You need to move on and maybe going out for a night will do you some good."

 "I've tried," I whispered. "Everywhere I turn I see him, everything I do I think of him, every time I close my eyes I see him, every comp we do I look for him and when I realize he's not there I feel my heart break even more. I feel like I let the both of us down I broke the promise."

 "What promise?" Derek asked pulling me onto his lap.

 "When I was ten I got hurt really badly and couldn't go get help," I sighed remembering that day. "Blake found me down by the lake beaten up, scared and soaking wet, when I got to the hospital I wouldn't let him out of my site because I was afraid that he would leave me. After that night Blake basically moved in with my bedroom with me because I had nightmares of being left alone, we made a promise that nether of us would hurt each other, that we'd always find a way back to one another as friends. I broke that promise, I hurt him because I was scared of losing him as a friend if that relationship didn't work out." 

 "Everyone's afraid of something," he said. "I'm afraid of commitment."

 "Why?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder.

 "I was in love with a girl before," he sighed. "But she didn't love me. After that I've never really let another woman get close to me outside of work."

 "I'm sorry," I whispered.

 "If you really love this guy then why don't you go back and tell him. I mean he did hold a candle to you for ten years what's six months of you running scared."

 "Good point," I giggled. "What if he hates me now?"

 "Who could hate you?" he laughed, "Your the most caring person I know. Just because you're scared of something doesn't make you a bad person."

 "It feels like it does," I muttered. "Will you come with me? I don't want to go back alone and Diego and Janet are busy with the baby."

 "Of course I'll go with you," Derek smiled. "Why don't you go pack our things and I'll book us the tickets."

 "Thanks Derek," I gave him a watery smile. "Your the best."

 "Go," he laughed pushing me towards the bedroom.


 "I hate flying," I groaned jumping on Derek's back. "Now what's the plan?"

 "Its up to you," he laughed carrying me outside. "This is your town after all."

 "Carly and Braden's house," I said. "I need to talk with Carl first and maybe she'll listen to me with out shoving a shotgun in my face."

 "Wait, what?"

 "Sorry," I giggled when I saw how pale Derek had gotten, "You don't mess with Mama Wolf."

 "Obviously," he huffed pulling to the side of the road. "You sure this is what you want to do? I mean you could end up dead for hurting this guy."

 "I'll be fine," I sighed. "But maybe we should go see my parents first, I know they won't murder me and they'll listen."

 "You should get some sleep," Derek said. "We still have a couple hour drive before we get there. I'll wake you up when we get close."

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