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Ten years earlier:


 "Hi Blake," I yelled jumping on his back. "What are you doing here?"

  "I came to see you dance," he grunted. "Get off."

 "Really?" I squealed jumping and hugging him, "I didn't think you would come."

 "I haven't missed one yet have I?" Blake chuckled hugging me back, "Your going to be amazing like always."

 "I know," I giggled looking back when I heard my name. "Ashley."

 "Your going down," Ashley snapped. "Your not going to win this one."

 "Ash," I groaned standing there with my hands on my hips. "I don't compete at these things to win, I do it for fun. Winning is just a plus."

 "Willow," David said walking over to us. "You and Cole are up next."

 "Okay," I smiled up at him. "Thanks Mr. Hope."

 "Good luck," I spun around and kissed Blake on the cheek before running to find Cole.

 "Okay," David said. As soon as the first song is done run back here and change quick then back out to do your next one."

 "Yes sir!" I yelled pushing Cole out on stage, "Let's show what we do best."

 "Go, go, go," David yelled when we walked into the dressing room. "Cole stop standing there, you only have four minutes to get changed."

 "I know," Cole grumbled. "Willow you ready?"

 "Yep," I grinned running past him. "Come on."

 "Slow down," Cole grumbled as we got into our places. "I saw your parents."

 "BABYGIRL!" I grinned when I heard my dad. "You were amazing as always."

 "Thanks daddy," I laughed hugging him. "Hi mama."

 "Hey sweetie," mama smiled hugging me. "Are you going out with Blake?"

 "Yeah," I shrugged handing daddy my dance bag. "We were going to get something to eat."

 "Okay, just don't stay out to late."

 "I won't," I smiled kissing her. "I'm gonna go find him."

"Thanks," I smiled getting out of Blake's truck. "I'll call you later."

 "Yeah," he smiled. "I need to tell you something when I get back in town."

 "Alright, see you when you get back."

 "Later bunny."


 "Babygirl," Daddy said walking out of the kitchen. "Come here for a minute."

 "Um...Am I in trouble?"

 "No," daddy smiled. "There's a man here who wants to speak with you."

 "Hello Miss Bailey," and older man said. "I'm Mr. Jones from Drina's School of Dance, and I wanted to personally deliver this letter to you."

 "Okay," I said opening the envelope. "I don't remember ever applying to your school."

 "You didn't. Everything is explained right there, if you decide that this is something you would want to do just give me a call. Here's my card. Goodnight Miss."

 "What does it say?" Mama asked.

 "Miss Bailey, I have been sent many of your completion videos and have seen you preform live. There aren't many young dancer that dance for fun and not for winning or fame. You have put many of your fellow dancers ahead of you and have inspired me and my partners, so it would be a great pleasure if you would consider coming to study at my school on full scholarship...." I read before looking up at my parents. "OH MY GOD!"

 "Sweetie that's amazing," Mama squealed jumping up and down.

 "Babygirl, you alright?" Daddy asked me worriedly.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "I've heard of this school but I never thought I would get in."

 "What are you going to do?"

 "I wanna go," I said. "Its a great opportunity."

 "Its your choice," Mama said and a couple days later I was on a plane heading to LA.


 "You gonna tell her?" Colt asked me while he sat on my bed.

 "Yeah," I said looking at the picture of me and Willow from my twentieth birthday. "I'm heading over there now."

 "Good luck."

 "Mr. and Mrs. Bailey," I said walking up on the porch. "Is Willow home?"

 "No," Mrs. Bailey said looking at me odd.

 "Do you know when she'll be back?"

 "Blake she went away to school almost two weeks ago," She said. "I thought Willow told you"

 "What?" I asked dumbfounded, "She didn't say anything to me."

 "Oh honey," she said standing up and hugging me. "I'm sorry, she's probably busy. I'm sure she'll call you soon."

 "I need to go," I said running to my truck.

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