Chapter Eight

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 "Not anymore," she whispered. "And I don't want to know you again."

 Gritting my teeth I glanced over at her to see her sleeping form. Sending a text to Colt I drove to my house. After I put Willow in the bedroom I went to the den opening a bottle of whisky as I stared out at the lake.

 "You've always been mine," I grumbled grabbing the picture off my desk. "And you will be mine again, Bunny."

 Jumping up when I heard someone banging on the door I glanced at the clock before cursing as I made it to the front of the house. "What," I growled jerking the door open glaring at the four males.

 "We need to talk," my father said walking past me.

 "Don't ask me," Colt sighed and the others nodded. "He woke us all up and said to meet him here. How'd to go with Willow last night?"

 "Nothing," I grumbled walking to the kitchen. "She fell asleep on the way here. Dad what's wrong? Why are you here?"

 "Devil's Blood is back," he said staring at me while processed what he said.

 "Son of a b*tch," I cursed hitting the counter. "They should have been dead. Sala helped end them when they tried to hurt his old lady."

 "Killer is looking for some girl," Dad said sliding an envelope over to me. "Apparently she's living somewhere in town. You need to find her and find out who she is and why he wants her."

  "Hacker should be able to narrow..." Cowboy started.

 "AHHH!!!" Everyone jumped when a loud scream sounded and I cursed when I recognized the screaming. Shoving past Tanker and Monster I quickly made my way to the bedroom to find Willow crying on the bed staring at me with a look of pure terror.

 "Bunny," I said slowly walking over to her. "You alright?"

 "He's going to kill me," she whispered as tears started falling down her cheeks.

 "Who?" I asked picking her up and taking her to the bathroom, "Who's going to kill you?"

 "Don't make me go back," she whimpered clinging to my waist. "Please, they'll kill me."

 "Blake, is she alright?"

 "No," I sighed wrapping her legs around me turning towards Colt. "She's going into shock. There's some hot chocolate mix in the cabinet about the stove go fix her a cup. We'll be there in a minute."

 "Sure thing Prez," he nodded walking out of the bathroom.

 "Bunny, sit back." I said softly setting her on the dresser "Let's get you out of this dress into something more comfortable."

 When she leaned back I saw her eyes I felt so helpless on how to help her as I changed her into one of my t-shirts. Picking her back up I walked down the hall to the kitchen and everyone stared at us. As if she sensed them looking at her Willow whimpered tightening her grip, glaring at them I sat down her down on the counter.

 "Here," Colt said handing the the cup. 

 "Bunny," I said softly holding the cup to her lips. "Drink this, it'll make you feel better."

 "No," she shook her head. "I don't want it."

 "Willow," I warned and watched her eyes widen slightly before taking a sip. "Good girl. What were you saying Cowboy."

 "Uh...Hacker should be able track down the girl Killers after."

 "NO!" Willow cried and the cup shattered when it hit the ground.

 Everyone looked at Willow wide eyed and she started crying again.

 "Its okay," I soothed hugging her while her cried into my chest. "Your alright."

 "H-he's g-going t-to k-kill m-me," she hiccupped. "I-I d-don't w-want t-to g-go b-back. P-please d-don't m-make m-me g-go b-back."

 "Your not going anywhere," I said holding her tightly. "I'm not letting anyone hurt you."

 "Son," Dad said and I looked up at him.

 "Well at least we now know who their after," Tanker said. "Now what do we do?"

 "What we usually do," I said. "Nothings changed. Tomorrow we'll have a club meeting and let everyone else know what's going on but as of today only us five know what's happening with Devil's Blood."

 "Sure thing prez," Tanker and Cowboy said. "See you tomorrow morning."

 "Colt go on your trip with Arizona but can you take Bailey with you," I asked him.

 "Yeah," he nodded. "See you in a couple days."

"Dad get out," I growled when everyone had left. "I have things to do."

 "Son," he started.

 "NO," I growled. "Your the reason I had no idea that the f*cking Devil's Blood MC is after Willow. I have done everything you wanted and now I'm going to keep her safe if its the last thing I do. I will stop by the house in a few days until then get out of my house."

 "Alright," he sighed glancing down at Willow. "Take care of her."

 Picking Willow up I walked to the den sitting down in my desk chair with her on my lap. Smiling at her sleeping form I grabbed the phone dialing Sala's number.


 "It's Bullet," I sighed setting the phone on speaker as I leaned back playing with a strand of Willow hair. "Got a question for you."

 "What is it Bullet," he grumbled. "I'm busy."

 "Devil's Blood is back and their after my Bunny," I grumbled.

 "Your bunny?"

 "The girl you asked me to keep safe. Willow."

 "Is she okay? Bullet tell me she's alright," he said worriedly.

 "She's fine right now," I said. "She had a nightmare and then a panic attack earlier. Why the hell is Devil's Blood after her? She's knows nothing of biker life, she's not someone Old Lady."

 "She's the only one that can tell you what's going on," Sala sighed. "When you can tell her I'm on my way along with some of the other girls. Should be there in a few days. Keep her safe Bullet, she's very broken even though she hides it really well."

 "Got it," I grumbled hanging up.

 "Blake," Willow whispered when I laid her on the bed. "Can you lay with me, please."

 "I'm just changing out of my jeans," I smiled softly at her. "Get under the covers and I'll be right back. Okay bunny?"

 "Okay," she yawn crawling under the blankets and closing her eyes. When I got in bed she wrapped her arms around me sighing in content.

 "I'm never letting you go again," I whispered into her hair pulling her closer to me. "I can't lose you ever again. I can't live with out you, my beautiful bunny."

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