The call

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"We have a case!" announced baby girl, hurriedly as she passed through me towards the meeting room, which totally interrupted my daily routine of drooling over pretty boy as he plays with the pen. Those sinful perfect lips around that damn pen as he absentmindedly fills the paperwork... pretty boy will be the death of me.

Grumpily I followed her and sat on my usual seat and frowned when Rossi took the seat of my boyfriend. I was about to demand him to move when I remembered that one, I was at work, two, no one in the team knew about my relationship with pretty boy and three, Rossi looked like shit. Black bags under his eyes, a dull look on his eyes and he seemed way thinner than before. But not in the way of 'I've lost a few pounds, don't I look great!', it was rather a 'I am going through hell right now and I can't bring myself to eat'. However, before I could even open my mouth to ask what was wrong, Hotch started talking. By the way he kept on shooting Rossi worried looks I knew that he knew what this was about, so I made a mental note to ask him later.

It seems like we were going to Las Vegas, staying at Spencer's hotel courtesy of my dear boyfriend, for a case involving raped and murdered kids. By what the police force thinks it dates back to 1984, starting with the murder of Riley Jenkins. I didn't like the strangled noise that came out of pretty boy's mouth when he heard that name, but worse I hated the concerned, to a very personal and intimate level, look that Rossi sent him afterwards.

What the hell was wrong with him?! I demanded in my head. First Spencer, then kill Rossi.

"Spence what's wrong?" JJ asked him worriedly.

"I knew him" he whispered brokenly. The room fell into silent, no one could stop themselves from looking at him worriedly "He was in my baseball's little league team. My parents always made me believe that he was an imaginary friend, when I asked them why he disappeared" he shook his head, his eyes never leaving the photo in the portfolio "He was my only friend..." more silence, but this time it was thickened with sorrow and concern "Lately I've been having nightmares, a lot of them about Riley. I've never paid them any attention because I was convinced that he wasn't real... but now, I don't think so anymore"

"What do these dream tell you Reid?" demanded to know Hotch.

Rossi and I almost jumped him for being so insensitive but Reid didn't seem to mind it at all. And I still wanted to know what the fuck was the problem with Rossi and his sudden interest on my boyfriend.

"I think... I think that my father is involve on this somehow" his words were like a cold bucket of ice in my stomach. I just wanted to get off my seat and run towards him to comfort him. I wanted to protect him from the whole world, but I knew better to do that in front of the whole team "I recall seeing him burn some bloody clothes in our backyard one day... it was around the time of Riley's disappearance. I just... I don't know. I don't want my hate for my father to get into my head and make me see things that are not there, it would be completely unprofessional."

Oh pretty boy! Always thinking about the rest before you. I thought sadly, but falling in love with him all over again. By the corner of my eye I caught Rossi shooting me a warning glare. Damn it he noticed! But then again, why would he care?

I wasn't one of best profilers for nothing, I knew that his glare wasn't a 'you are both F.B.I agents and it's against the rules', but rather a 'he is off limits back off!'. I needed to get to the end of this and discover what has gotten into Rossi, he was starting behaving like an overprotective bear mother.

"I know you always put your best for the team, we would never accuse you of being unprofessional, Reid" Spencer risked a guilty look towards me when no one was watching, one that I returned with a comforting smile. Also, I bluntly ignored how Rossi's glare got harsher "We will interview your father, but you won't be present at the time. There is too much bad blood involved for that. Are you fine with being actively involved on this case?"

"I am, Hotch" replied pretty boy confidently.

"Then wheals up in twenty... and I am sorry for your loss Reid" Hotch stated, giving my boyfriend a small smile and a quick pat on his back.

I was about to step into and save Spencer from the killing group hug that the girl had gotten him into, but was stopped by a hand on my arm and the icy cold voice of Rossi "We need to talk... privately."  

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