Family meetings (Christmas part 3)

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The rest of the drive towards the orphanage was spent in a comfortable silence, cuddling and making out. I had to use all myself control not to rip Spencer's clothes off his body and have my wicked way with his delicious body. He was just so perfect that I couldn't believe it sometimes. When we reached the place he began fidgeting nervously once more.

"Now what's gotten you so jumpy?" I asked him with an amused huff.

"I... do you remember the comment of the 'Reid Effect'? Well, it isn't just a comment. Animals and children are repelled by me easily, why do you think I left my cousin on charge of the place?" he questioned me "She adores children and they love her back. It's not like they hate me, but I don't like it when they force themselves to be around me because I 'saved' them".

"Oh, pretty boy" my heart ached for him. I hated that he has to go through so much and thinks that no one would appreciate his 'weirdness' "I am sure that they love you and that it isn't just because you are their savor. Also, that 'Reid Effect' thing is absolute crap" I kissed his nose sweetly "Now stop fidgeting and let's meet your children, they need to know that they have a new dad" I joked laughing loudly when Spencer let a high-pitched squeal of 'Derek!'.

We got out of the car, I was a bit angry when Zero didn't allowed me to take care of my own bags "Stop pouting, Der" scolded me Spencer while giggling "It's his job, don't be offended by it".

"I know pretty boy, I'll just have to get used to it" I replied and muttered under my breath "Luckily I will only have to do it while we are in Las Vegas" unluckily for me he heard and caused him continue laughing at me, I growled playfully at him and slapped his ass as punishment. It was my turn to laugh when he let another high-pitched squeal of 'Derek!' "Now that I remember, you don't speak much of your family" I commented.

"None of us do" he replied tensing a bit, family matters has always been a serious topic to him.

"What does your cousin do? Or does she only take care of the orphanage?" I changed the topic to not depress him.

"She is a doctor specialized in different areas: maternal-fetal medicine specialists, pediatric and a diagnostic medical sonographer. She is the head of the child's department in the private Spanish clinic of 'Saint Magdalena's Clinic', here in Las Vegas. She is also a certificated social worker for orphans, she has been in the area of adoptions for the last two years and she is the best I've seen so far" he told me with pride in his eyes.

"Wow... and she is so young. Though that shouldn't surprise me, she is related to you after all" he blushed deliciously at my comment and ducked his head, so his hair would cover his face and smiled softly.

"Spencer! Agent Morgan!" exclaimed a very happy Genim, she was standing at the porch with a big smile on her face looking as the same deadly beauty I met three months ago "It's good to see you again!" she jumped on my boyfriend giving him a deadly hug and then extended her hand towards me for a shy shake of hand. I just smirked at the so Reid behavior and dragged her into a bear hug that she returned hesitantly "Come inside, the children had missed you so much Spencer."

As I told him, the kids adored Spencer. Yes, they found him odds at times and said that he was silly, but it is his fault. Who tries to explain quantum physics to six years old kids?! My boyfriend and I had time to take a small nap and eat some lunch, afterwards we played with the kids a little bit more before we went to bed because it had gotten too late. Breakfast was, in one word, chaotic, at least twenty children and five adolescents chatting excitedly with each other and wanting to open their presents. I had to swallow a sigh of relief when they liked the presents we chose, now that I think about it I can't believe that I fell for the excuse of: 'I want to donate some presents for an orphanage in Las Vegas'. At the end he owned the orphanage!

I loved children and was very grateful that my older sister had already three children for me to play with, but when I finished playing with twenty of them I was exhausted. So I was relieved when we had to leave to visit my lover's mother. Until my head began worrying again. I would never admit this to Spencer or anyone really, but I was very nervous. I more than anyone should know how much a mother's love mean to a child and that pretty boy would do anything for his. So, if Diana Reid sees me as someone unworthy of her son I am sure that I'll be going to spend new year on my own and I'll be asking my momma to help me mend my broken heart.

"Aunt Diana!" exclaimed a very happy Genim as she launched herself at my boyfriend's mother, giving her a tight hug "How are you?".

"I'm fine my dear" she chuckled softly "Spencer" she sighed happily with a big kind smile that reminded me so much of pretty boy "Come here and give your mother a hug" she demanded with such happiness in her eyes that I couldn't help the grin that appeared on my lips.

"Hi mom" Spencer greeted his mother with a smile of his own and a tight long hug. When they broke apart she posed her gaze on me, pretty boy straightened and cleared his throat before presenting me "Mom this is my boyfriend Derek Morgan, he works with me and we've been together for three months. Der, this is my mother Diana Reid".

"A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Reid" I greeted her politely, kissing the back of her hand chivalrously.

"Please none of that Mrs. Reid, call me Diana" she told me with sternly "Anyone that has a place in my son's heart is already part of the family" her words made all my worries vanish into thin air, my shoulders relaxed and my grin was less tense and more easy-going "Please take good care of my son and don't hurt him, he is very reckless and delicate."

"Mom!" squeaked an embarrassed pretty boy, making me chuckle amused at the mother-son duo.

"Don't worry Mrs... Diana. I love Spencer and I'll do anything to protect him" I assured her firmly.

"Good" she replied "Now tell me about your lives, anything exciting lately?".

That's how we spent the rest of Christmas, in middle of the Bennington Sanitarium eating take outs and getting to know each other. We played chess and discussed different authors and their literary works. I had to swallow another sigh when Diana accepted the book I bought for her, saying that she had never read it and was excited to see what it was about.

This Christmas was the most strange one I've ever had and not at all how I was expecting it to go like. My family is all about traditions: Christmas homemade banquet, Christmas tree, hot chocolate and all laughing about funny memories of the past around a cozy and homey living room. But... I don't know what about having Christmas with the Reid's was so comforting. Maybe the simplicity of it, that they didn't need much and were just happy to be together. Also, that pretty boy was there helped a lot.

But either way I had a very good Christmas, and the best present: the acceptance and blessing of Spencer's mother. Also, the 'thank you for being the best boyfriend ever' sex that I had latter that night helped a lot. Who knew that pretty boy could be so kinky?!

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