Family meetings (New Year part 3)

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"So... what's your job Spencer?" asked a very uncomfortable Desiree.

New Year's dinner had started half an hour ago, but no one had opened their mouths to make a single sound until now. I shot my little sister an incredulous look, from all the stupid things she could ask. She knows pretty boy works with me! She just sighed annoyed and pouted like a little girl who has been scolded. Her so called boyfriend moved his hand above hers and started caressing it, a sign of comfort. However, he stopped when he saw my murderous glare.

I just couldn't believe it from all the guys she could choose to go out with, it had to be Logan. He has always been bad news, even back at high school. Also, he is as old as me!
How can I let my little sister date a guy that much older than her?! I exclaimed in my head.
She's as old as pretty boy. A traitorous voice whispered in my head. And you still fuck him every night until his voice is hoarse.
I shivered in pleasure at the memory but quickly pushed that thought away. But at least I have never been into drugs or gangs! I snapped back at it, shutting it up.
"I work with Derek in the F.B.I. But I also manage a hotel in Las Vegas" I almost dropped the fork when I heard my boyfriend following the flow.
I turned my head towards him and shot him a 'what-the-hell-are-you-thinking' look. However, he just ignored it and continued talking when my mother asked him a question.
"How do you find the time to work for the F.B.I and own a hotel in Las Vegas?".
"Well, the hotel was already been working and was pretty famous when I inherited. So while I was in college, I fixed the few problems that it had. Firstly I built a casino, because you can't have a good hotel in Las Vegas without a good casino. I got a club constructed and made better publicity. I employed a publicity team to turn the hotel every year into a different theme to attract clients, like an advertising attraction. Not to mention that I made meticulous schedules of what the staff has to do while I am gone and make sure they follow it".
"A new theme?" Sarah asked curiously.
"Yes. My hotel is different each year. As in, the decoration, the music, the food and the entertaining is different. It changes depending the theme I choose. One year it was Greece, another one Egypt, the twenties, last year it was Japan" Spencer answered "And this year is France. It keeps the place entertaining and attractive to people, especially tourists. I even have some clients that have been coming every year since I started this, usuals that want to try what's new this time around. Afterwards, the majority of the things I need to do is paperwork, which with how fast I read I only spend one hour at it".
I had to smile at my boyfriend, he is the only person that could say all this as if it is only a fact and not to brag about it.
"Dude... you are amazing!" commented Logan and I began to hate him a little less. Because Spencer indeed is amazing "You have three PhD, two BA, four proficiency language certificates, work for the F.B.I and own a hotel... you are a beast and the last thing I would want is to be on your bad side" he shook his head with an amused small smile "What else are you doing? Do you have secrets plans to take over the world?"
Everyone laughed, I even managed a small chuckle. But Spencer seemed not to get the joke and answered him seriously "No, I don't wish world domination in my future plans. However, I am working in a BA on Philosophy and a proficiency certificate in Spanish and French. I already am at B1 level, plus with the help of Emily I think that in this next year I'll finish them".
Everyone stopped laughing and looked at him with dropped jaws, not believing their ears. I just smirked proudly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer to me "What?" he asked, not even noticing what effect has his perfection in people.
"Nothing, Spence" Sarah shook her head with an amused smirk "This steak is amazing, where did you learn to cook?"
"My dad abandoned my mother and I when I was ten years old, mom has schizophrenia so she sometimes forgot to feed me. I had learn on my own, with the help of books and TV cooking programs" he replied, looking at the plate with unshed tears in his eyes "I had to learn, so I could take care of my mother".
"Spencer..." whispered my mother sadly.
From all the things I've told her about Spencer I never mentioned Tobias case or his father. I knew that they were personal topics for my boyfriend and I would never even dare lose the trust he has on me. So I kept quiet about it. Just like now, I only pulled him even closer to me to the extent that he almost was on my lap.
"It's his loss" stated Desiree with determination, an anger shinning in her eyes "And it's our gain" she smiled sweetly at pretty boy.
I started feeling guilty for not accepting Logan so easily, the complete opposite I just rejected him because of his past. I knew better than that. It's just that...

"She is your little sister" Spencer whisper stopped my train of thought "That is why you are overprotective. Don't guilt yourself, Desiree is smart she knows why you do it and loves you for it".
"Love you, pretty boy" I replied, kissing him shortly. I adored that he always knows what I am thinking and has the right words to help me "Let's stop talking about this, it is New Year. It means to be a celebration!" I said loudly, trying to change the topic "Logan, what's your job?"
He was surprised by me trying to join the conversation, but with a small nudge of my little sister he answered "I am a detective".
"You work in the local force of Chicago?" questioned Spencer.
"Yes, that is how I met Desiree again. There was a murder at Saint Anne's primary school and I had to interview her, a rich kid who wanted attention " Logan smiled softly at her, she returned it and I really beat myself for not noticing their love earlier.
I am a profiler for God's sake! I exclaimed in my head.
"Then that's why Sarah knew it was you before me" I thought out loud, but then I explained for their surprised expressions "She wasn't surprised when Logan entered the room. Also she is a nurse, she must have treated you at least once".
"Damn profilers! You can't keep anything from them" complained a grumpily Desiree, making us all laugh.
After that the atmosphere got lighter and more festive. We had a Morgan family New Year, and not with two additions. Spencer and Logan won their place within the family... and I couldn't be happier. 

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