Family meetings (Christmas part 1)

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"You know, I should be the one nervous here not you" I commented amused, as I watched my boyfriend shifting restlessly on his seat "After all we are flying to Las Vegas to meet your family...".
"But then we'll be staying in Chicago for New Year with yours!" he interrupted me, looking so cute with his wide open, worried doe eyes "What if they don't like me?"
"They'll adore you, pretty boy" I assured him with a small chuckle, enlacing our fingers and placing a sweet kiss on his temple "Now stop worrying and get some sleep, our last case kept us awake all night" I ordered him, smiling in satisfaction when he did as I told him without complaining.
Spencer and I have been together ever since that 'misunderstanding' in the club, making a total of five months since he became my boyfriend. This whole ordeal was new for me, after all this was the first time that I've been exclusively with a single person for a long period of time. I thought that it would be difficult, that I would feel strange at having a boyfriend, especially since it was also my first time with a man. However, it was the complete opposite. I've never felt more at ease than when I'm with my pretty boy.
The only problem was the team. We knew that they would have no problem with us being attracted to another man, but the real issue was dating another federal agent. Especially now that Gideon and Elle were gone, leaving us with two new members... things were a bit complicated. So we decided to keep it as a secret for a while longer, at least until we decide what to finally do.
The flight was over faster than I would have liked to, Spencer needed more time to rest.
Well, he'll have to sleep in the hotel. I thought, and then frowned confused. Where will we be staying? Pretty boy said to leave it to him... but he never told me what hotel he booked.
I shook my head, to chase those concerned thoughts away. Spencer was a genius, he probably had already organized and timed our whole vacations. Booking a hotel is no problem for him. So, I just smiled amused by my thoughts and the picture of an overexcited Spencer Reid with a huge smile explaining to me about the history of Las Vegas, as a five years old boy talking about Iron Man. I shook my boyfriend softly, smile growing wider when he snuggled cutely against my chest, groaning in discomfort.

"Come on, pretty boy" I called out for him "The plane is landing, baby" that awoke him. He sat up straight, rubbed his eyes with his fists in such an adorable way that if baby doll was here she would have awed, and look through the small window with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks "Stop it, Spence" I told him, wrapping my arms from behind him and kissing his neck sweetly "No need to feel ashamed, you are beautiful".

"Stop it, Der" he scolded me, but his blush and small smile betrayed him "Not in public."

"As you wish, pretty boy" I replied, knowing when to push and where were Spencer's limits. After all, I still had tonight in the privacy of our hotel room "Ready to see you mother again?".

He began fidgeting again but this time I didn't have to calm him down, he just took a deep breath and grabbed my hand firmly to help him relax.

"I am... right now I am" he answered me with a confident smile, one that I returned gladly.


Guide me out of the darkness‏ [Criminal Minds]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara