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This was written especially for my closest friends ... they know who they are ... when my life smashed face down into the floor these guys kept me sane , possibly even kept me alive , when my heart was in a million pieces these guys greeted me with a love and support that no money could ever buy .... so I dedicate this to A.B.    K.G.   B.D. and H.R.

of the 4 people dedicated here 3 are still massively important to my world .....


Do you know what it's like to live surrounded by friends

Who's love is real to a point that they'll be there 'til the end

They'll never turn you away , they'll always be at your side

But you're so fucking lonely you wish you could die


I don't what else to do I don't know what else to say

You fucking guys fucking love me but I'm fading away


Days are long , nights are longer but it's easy to hide

I keep on smiling so you never know I'm dying inside

I'll carry everyone's pain just like the weight of the world

But it would be nice if I could find the loving arms of a girl

A special someone who would want me just the way that I am

Someone who won't bale out if I end up in a jam


I don't what else to do I don't know what else to say

You fucking guys fucking love me but I'm fading away

I want somebody to hold , I want somebody to kiss

And then when she isn't there I want somebody to miss

I wish that I could sleep when I go to bed at night

But loneliness is like a war so all I can do is fight

I'll never tell , you'll never see what it's like here inside

Or the times I've seen the sunrise when I'd wished that I had died

I don't what else to do I don't know what else to say

You fucking guys fucking love me but I'm fading away

Days are long , nights are longer but it's easy to hide

I keep on smiling so you never know I'm dying inside

I fucking hate waking up and feeling all of this shit

I won't put up , I won't shut up I've had e-fucking-nough of it

They say life's a lesson and I'm willing to learn

But my question to the teacher is when's it my fucking turn ?

I'll carry everyone's pain just like the weight of the world

And I'll hold on to a dream about just one special girl

I don't know what else to do I don't know what else to say

You fucking guys fucking love me but I'm fading away .

A life time of lyricsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ