Public consumption

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To this day I still consider this to be one of my deepest and darkest songs .... it was written as a snapshot of average daily life in the civilised western world and more than a decade later it still holds true ..  This will always be one of my favourite pieces of writing and it is the last of the 7 pieces of music I wrote to fit back in the early 2000's

Public consumption

A colour telly


Can't let you have

More than me

It's only money

You've got to spend

Public consumption

It ain't no friend

You've gotta keep up with the Jones's

Gotta be top of the heap

Staying ahead of the neighbours

Is killing you while you sleep

You've gotta have more than the next man

Gotta be king of the hill

Staying ahead of the neighbours

Is making you want to kill, kill , kill , kill

Public consumption is killing you now

Buying and selling your race

Public consumption is taking you down

Sinking without a trace

Public consumption is killing you now

Ever increasing your debt

Public consumption is taking you down

But you know that you ain't dead yet

Having means buying and living means dying who cares ?

To hell with the cost just as long as you're showing you wares

Run up the debt 'til the repo man visits your home

Now you've got nothing , you're broke and you're all on your own

Got to have

Got to buy

Got to win

Got to DIE

A life time of lyricsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora