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  When I closed the front door I saw that my brothers were already in the front. Nolan was in the front seat and Noel was behind the drivers side. Unlike me, my brothers were in shape. They both ran on track and the take boxing lessons so naturally Kai would be nervous, even though he's in great shape himself.  

  I made my way towards the car. I wanted to sit my Kai, so I opened the passenger seat and stared at Nolan.

"What," Nolan held his hands up.

"Get out. He was my ride so I have the right to sit in the front seat," I ordered moving my head to signal him out. Nolan sighed and went to the backseat behind my seat.

"Well...um. I was going to go to McDonald's but..." Kai was running his fingers through his hair. Looking straight ahead on the rode.

"Cool, my mom cooked healthy crap today. I am still hungry," Nolan said as Noel hummed in agreement.

"Okay, McDonald's here we come," Kai tapped at the wheel. I could tell he was nervous to say the least. I felt bad and I wanted to comfort him. I put my hand on the thigh and patted it. He looked at me in surprise and tensed up.

"Little E?" Nolan asked.

"Yes, Nolan?" I responded, my hand still on Kai's thigh.

"Why is you hand on Kai's thigh?" Kai started to blush and I hid my face in my hands. I can't believe I did that AND with my brothers in the car.

"Since we are all hear we should ask you some questions," Noel finally speaking up.

"What are you plans with my sister?" Nolan blurted out.

"We're just friends," Kai said, my heart dropping in my chest. I kind of hoped we could be more, but I guess that wasn't going to happen

"Why do want to be friends with her all of a sudden?" Noel asked.  

  Kai paused and thought about the question carefully. "She's a cool girl. I saw her by herself and then I got to know her and I wanted to get to know her some more. And I am," he responded looking forward.

"Okay I respect that," Nolan nodded, Noel still in deep thought about what Kai said. I was in shock too. Not a lot of people would want to get to know me. 

  I started going red and put my head down in shame. We drove the rest of the was to McDonald's in silence. The silence wasn't comfortable it was awkward. I tried to lighten the atmosphere with humming, but it only made it more awkward. When we arrived to McDonald's Kai decided to park so we can go inside and order.  We really didn't want to be in the car together anymore. My brother's headed out of the car and I was behind them until a hand grabbed unto my forearm. Of course, it was Kai.

"Yes?" I turned my neck so I could see him. His eyes looked hopeful and scared.

"Are we going to go out today after school still?" his eyes widened a little waiting for my answer. I nodded my head yes, ripped my arm from his grip, and got out the car as fast as I could. He was doing something to me and I didn't want my brother's to ask why we were by ourselves in the car. I heard him come out after me making his way inside too. I got in the line with my brothers and soon I felt Kai's body heat behind me making me want to squirm, but I held still. He got closer and I held my breath. Eventually, the line moved up and we weren't so close. 

"We're all ordering together?" Nolan looked back at Kai waiting for a response. Kai nodded. One, two, three people later it was our turn. We all said what we wanted and the price added up and my brother's and I went speechless.

"I got this," Kai pulled out a credit card. Nolan and Noel had a smile on their faces. I, on the other hand, was not pleased with the thought of him paying for our food.

"You don't have to," my arms crossed over my chest. He looked at me and smiled at me.

"I know," turning his back to me. I got mad at him and started huffing. He turned back around and nudged me playfully. A smile forming on my face. I tried hard to fight it down. Suppress it. I lost that battle. He looked down at me, his face softening. I looked up at him smiling then he smiled at me. My heart started to beat fast and so looked down, my face burning up.

[A/N I am so sorry I didn't update fast enough. I've had a lot of work to do at school. I don't think this chapter is the best but next chapter is going to be way better. Have a awesome day.]

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