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Kristine's P.O.V.

This is the day!

The day I have been waiting for.

Deena's back today!

I didn't care if I had parked my car properly or not. Seeing Deena's car beside mine just heightened the excitement I had been feeling since last night.

I didn't even sleep well thinking today she'll be back. Thinking of scenarios in my mind as soon as I see her or vice versa.

I pressed the elevator button several times like it would help for it to go down to the basement faster to pick me up.

And as soon as inside the elevator, I did the same with our floor button.

I would even mumble, "Come on! Come on! Come on!" While my eyes were fixated on the number of floors the elevator had passed by.

When it reached my floor, our team started greeting me, my eyes scanning the room if Deena was around. When I did not see her, I rushed to go to her office.

I did not knock but just opened the door and when the door finally swung open, I felt my heart leap into my throat. 

There she was, wearing that familiar smile that could light up the dullest of days. Though it wasn't me she was smiling into, and to my dismay, it was Sabrina, it was still great to see her smile again.

She immediately noticed my presence, my heart skipped a beat when her eyes met mine,  and for a moment, everything else faded away.

A rush of emotions flooded through me as I stood up in her office, unable to contain the happiness that swelled within me.

"Deena." I breathed, a smile spreading across my face, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in my stomach and completely ignoring the woman in front of her.

Before I could say anything else, she stood up from her seat, closed the distance between us, and enveloped me in a warm hug. 

Her embrace felt like coming home, and I held onto her as if afraid she might disappear again.

"Kristine!" Her voice was laced with warmth and affection.

"I missed you so much." I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I missed you too," she replied, her voice soft but filled with sincerity.

We stayed in that position for a few more seconds, my mind racing with thoughts of how much I had missed her and how I couldn't wait to catch up on everything that had happened during her time away.

"How are you? You're... tanned, you look... incredible, how are you?" I mumbled as soon as we pulled away.

Deena giggled at my reaction.

She looked really good, she doesn't like tanning but looking at her now, it really suits her and I wonder what made her do it.

Did she get a bit taller? She looked taller to me.

And her hair, it looks different. And...

"Hey!" Deena's hand waving in front of my face. "You look like you're examining me like I came from outer space." She chuckled.


"Umm, can I catch up with you later? I'm actually in the middle of something." 

I glance at her back where Sabrina is visibly looking bored.

"Okay." I said though my insides were fuming with jealousy.

Yes, I am jealous. I am her best friend but again, she's prioritizing Sabrina? What the hell?

Time will TellOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara