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Deena's P.O.V.

"Tine!!!" I screamed as she finished the glass.


"Why did you drink it?"

"Ohh, relax! I'm in the comfort of my own home, what's the worst that could happen?" She gives me back my glass.

"Did I tell you that I hate that girl?" She continued.

"Yes, ma'am you did. Repeatedly." I poured myself another wine.

"What did you tell her?" Curiosity was visible in her eyes.

"Same as what I told her years ago."

"And that is?"

"Do I really need to tell you the details?"

"Yes, ma'am, you have to." She imitates me.

I sighed.

"I told her that... You are very important to me and... even if you marry someone else, I would still be your friend." 

As I gazed into those familiar green eyes, I sensed something a bit uneven. Even though she might not feel exactly the same way, there was this small feeling, like a hint of something more. 

Is it the alcohol? I am maybe fooled by my own thinking as my head is already influenced by the wine I am drinking.

How many of these have I had already?

"Hmm... So, you'll be okay even if I marry someone else?" Her gorgeous green eyes seemed to be fixated on me that I felt like she could see through me.

"You know, how about we continue watching? I really like this movie and it would be nice if we finish it." I tried to change the subject.

Talking about her marrying somebody else is not my favorite topic. I had this conversation already with Sab and it brought down my mood, and to talk about this with Tine? I think I might cry.

I gulped my wine in one go just thinking about it.

"Why can't you answer me?"  A warm glow covered her eyes, making them look dreamy. She's definitely tipsy, already.

Is she aware that she was leaning over and our faces were just inches apart?

I put down my glass and held her shoulder gently pushing her back to lean against the headboard.

"What are you doing?" She held both my hands trying to stop me.

"Preventing you from falling." I told her letting out a soft laugh. 

"I'm not gonna fall, Dee. I just had one glass, come on." She fixed her position, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Answer me, Dee. Will you be fine if I marry someone else?"

What does she want from me? Seriously!

"Yes, Kristine. I will be fine and will be happy for you if you ever marry someone else, satisfied?" I took my glass again and poured me another.

"Give me that!" Before I could react, Tine snatched again the glass from my hand and drank the whole thing.

"Kristine! Oh my god, what's gotten into you?" I snatched back the glass from her but it was empty already.

Tine giggled.

"It's not funny, Tine. Since when do you drink like that?" It's so not like her. Our friends would beg her to accept just one glass.

"Oh come on, aren't you happy I'm drinking? You guys always tease me for being a light drinker."

"Super light drinker!" I corrected her. "Because you are. Look at your face, your cheeks were already red, your eyes looked puffy, do you even know what you're doing?"

"What am I doing exactly?"

Yeah, what is she doing exactly? 

Well, she's leaning over again I could literally taste her breath, that's how close her face is to mine.

Her eyes that were fixated on mine, diverted to my lips and I know for sure, she was licking her lower lip subconsciously as she wouldn't do that on purpose.

"Tine..." I whispered her name.


Oh god, is she gonna kiss me?"

As much as I wanted it to happen, I had to stop it. She's clearly not in her right mind. 

I know for a fact that she wouldn't dare kiss me if she was sober. And I don't want her to regret it the next day because she didn't want this in the first place.

Maybe I think too much because before I could do anything about it, I felt Tine's soft lips on mine.


Everything seemed to move in slow motion as soon as our lips touched. The way she closed her eyes, The way I closed mine. I think even my heartbeat slowed down.

Tine kissed me!

I should be panicking or something but why do I feel so calm? 

Why does it feel like, it was so normal?

Not in a million lives would I imagine this would happen, I mean, yes of course, in my dreams.

Do I fantasize about kissing Tine? Yes.

Do I fantasize about having to touch her delicate and soft body? Yes.

But that was it, just fantasizing about it, dreaming about it.

"Your lips are so soft, Dee..." She said in a hoarse voice. Her lips still touching mine as she speaks.


I felt her smile.

"I love you, Dee."

Tine completely pulled herself from me but only to hug me and rest her face on my neck. I could feel her breathing, both her hands on my back, holding me tightly.

I haven't moved on from what just happened, now she said she loves me!

I should freak out, right? 

What does this mean? What does the kiss mean? And her saying she loves me?

Does it mean she loves me beyond friends? Or am I reading too much into it?

But she kissed me!

She freaking kissed me!!!

And now, she's sleeping! I know for sure she's sleeping the way she was breathing.

"Tine." I called on her, trying to wake her up, but she just groaned.

I put down the glass on the bedside table, my other hand on her waist, and carefully laid her down, putting her head on the pillow.

I fixed the covers to her chest and stared at her beautiful face.

"I love you more, Tine." I whispered before kissing her on her forehead.

After a while of just staring at her, I heard her calling out my name. Was she dreaming about me?

A smile painted on my lips thinking about that.

I laid down beside her, put my arm under her neck, and pulled her close to me.

"I love you so much, Tine." I know she couldn't hear me but after I said that, she put her arm on my waist and pulled me closer.

Her face was buried in the crook of my neck, her body smashing mine, I could feel the heat coming from her body. It just feels so right, her in my arms feels so right.


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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