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At 10:15 in the morning, I heard a soft knock on my door. A smile voluntarily showed when Deena came inside with two mugs of coffee in her hands.

I leaned my back against my chair.

"Sabrina let you go?" I mocked her.

"She just greeted me this morning." Deena put the coffee down on my table and sat on the chair in front.

"Right! Because a simple good morning is so overrated these days, and nobody wants to use it anymore." I continued.

"Drink your coffee." She said laughing.

"So, what happened to she's 5 floors away from us?" I can't help and couldn't stop.

I don't want to feel irritated in front of her so I'm masking it with my funny yet sarcastic remarks. 

"Have you done your budget?" She changed the topic. Even if I wanted to continue, I decided to let it go.

"Going over it." I pointed at my computer. "You?"

"Will do it in the afternoon. I have some meetings with my designers this morning." She looked at her wristwatch.

"Wanna go somewhere tonight?" She continued.

I tried to think if I wanted to go somewhere tonight considering it's Friday. Nobody invited me to any party or just to anything.

"Maybe an early and a good night's sleep tonight." I told her smiling. "You?"

"I was hoping you'd invite me somewhere."


"Well, Sabrina invited me tonight and I told her that I would check on something first before confirming."

You could've told me that first before asking about my plan! I almost told her.

"Anyways..." She stood up and took her coffee mug.

"Wait..." I stood up and tried to stop her.

"I was um... I was actually thinking... Um..." Dammit, Kristine, think!

"Let's go watch a movie or something." I blurted out.  "Or, I can cook you your favorite food."

"I thought you wanna rest early tonight?" Dee's brows furrowed at me.

"Yeah, I mean... It's been a long time since we had a night out just the two of us." I smiled at her sweetly.

"Hmm. Okay."

Deena left and a victorious smile painted on my lips.

Lunchtime came without me noticing the time, if it was not for Deena coming to get me, I wouldn't feel the rumbling in my stomach.

"Where is everybody?" I asked her and Thea as soon as we reached the pantry with just a couple of people eating.

"Sabrina invited them for lunch." Thea said.

"And you didn't go, why?"

"I have tons to do." As soon as she said that, she carried her empty container to the sink and washed it fast.

"Later guys." She bid her goodbye as she walked towards the door.

"I'd say she really has tons to do." Deena chuckled.

"Did she even chew her food?" I chuckled along with her. "And why didn't you go? I'm sure she invited you." I continued as I peeled the lid of my container.

"I have tons to do."

We both laugh out loud at her imitating Thea.

We talked about random stuff, we even stayed at the pantry for over an hour just because we couldn't stop talking, joking, and messing around when we were interrupted by none other than Sabrina.

Time will TellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora