Chapter 3 - Part 1

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Hello. I am Author Ceren Oktay, the writer of "Boss - You Are My Only Love, Savior Series 1 - Bloody Nights, and Savior Series 2 - Desdanje novels." The first part of my fiction called Dangerous Lands is here. I am looking forward to your valuable comments.

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Note : Translated from its Turkish original to English by Hilal A. Thank you so much Hilal. Hilal's Instagram Profile : birkitolog


After killing the creature, they rested for a short time and continued walking until they reached the skyscraper; their progress was never easy. Overcoming the daunting obstacles around the skyscraper, they continued to step forward with determination. Every crack, every collapsed wall brought them closer to their goal. Although fatigue slowed their steps over time, their aim was to find the skyscraper and then reach its summit to establish communication.

Finally, when they reached the side of the skyscraper, they noticed that a large part of the stairs had collapsed. Therefore, they decided they needed to find another way. They carefully looked around and discovered an external staircase system attached to the facade of the skyscraper.

Slowly, they began to climb these steps. Despite everything, they wondered how this system stood and why it hadn't collapsed. After all, considering the current state of the world, this was surprising.

They continued their steps with furrowed brows. With each step, as the height of the skyscraper grew in their eyes, their excitement increased. Their determined steps became a test of endurance under the weight of fatigue after the challenging struggles they had faced.

Lily's hands were in a bad state from the previous battles and from using the gun. They were aching inside, as if every part of them had been thrown into fire. For a moment, she thought about telling Niko about this, but immediately dismissed the idea. There was no point in hindering his progress right now.

They climbed the stairs breathlessly. With each step, they felt waves of exhaustion passing through their bodies. As they approached the top of the skyscraper, although the devastated cityscape around them saddened them, the significance of reaching the summit somewhat alleviated their fatigue.

Finally, they reached the top floor of the skyscraper. The relief in their eyes reflected the struggle they had gone through to reach this point.

Lily began to think about everything she had left behind with her tired steps. The wounds on her hands, the pain from the cold metal of the gun, and having to cling to the metal of the stairs... Moreover, although many parts of this metal seemed damaged, there was no other option. She didn't want to fall from this height.

Niko and Lily had experienced many difficult moments. But thinking that they had left them all behind for a while was comforting for both of them. The most beautiful reward, however, was reaching this summit where they now stood. Looking at this magnificent view, they once again realized the value of the paths they had taken. They didn't utter a single word, because they wanted to savor this moment. Moreover, after going through the arduous adventures, they couldn't find any words to express the taste of reaching here.

When they stood on the rooftop of the skyscraper, the view of the devastation around them revealed how serious the situation was. Although they knew their surroundings were in bad shape, they had seen more than they had imagined.

Lily turned her gaze away from the destruction they saw and looked at Niko. When she saw that Niko was also looking at her, she smiled with joy.

They both leaned against the wall of the skyscraper at the same time, giving themselves a moment to catch their breath. They had a lot of work to do, but they wanted to take a few minutes to experience this moment and celebrate surviving despite the challenges.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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