Chapter 2 - Part 1

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Hello. I am Author Ceren Oktay, the writer of "Boss - You Are My Only Love, Savior Series 1 - Bloody Nights, and Savior Series 2 - Desdanje novels." The first part of my fiction called Dangerous Lands is here. I am looking forward to your valuable comments.

Please write the date and time you started reading.

Note : Translated from its Turkish original to English by Hilal A. Thank you so much Hilal. Hilal's Instagram Profile : birkitolog


As Lily asked with her slightly trembling voice, her words sounded weak even to her own ears. "Do you see this too?" At that moment, she was witnessing the enormity of the catastrophe unfolding around the world, making it impossible to describe the shock she felt.

"I do. God!" said Niko. The astonishment and concern in his voice only heightened Lily's unease.

Both of them continued to examine the scene before them with their eyes. The sight they beheld was genuinely shocking. The roads were in disarray, bridges demolished, and houses seemed swallowed by a consuming darkness. There was no sign of life. This scene resembled a vast valley of death.

Despite Lily saying, "We should consider ourselves very lucky to be in the shelter, and we must never forget this reality, even not for a moment. We should be thankful for every moment, every second. Who knows how many people lost their lives during this disaster." after all she saw, Niko remained silent. Lily's gaze narrowed as she turned to him. The expression of horror on Niko's face deepened Lily's concern. Like Lily, he hadn't expected to encounter such a scene.

In the continuing silence, they could hear their own breathing. They were very tense and hesitant about whether to proceed or not. However, when their desire to explore outweighed their hesitation, they moved forward slowly. They needed to be cautious with every step because the path had become extremely challenging to walk on. Having only limited visibility with the flashlight was a terrifying experience.

"What are we going to do? I think we're the only ones left," Lily said, furrowing her brows. Niko nodded and replied earnestly, "I don't know."

As Lily stepped forward, she noticed her senses sharpening. She couldn't recall any feeling surrounding her so strongly before. Moreover, she was hearing a sound similar to a growl, which further heightened her unease.

"Niko, do you hear it too?" she asked, struggling to swallow. She gripped the flashlight tighter in her hand. In the darkness-dominated path, they continued to move forward together.

After tightening his grip on his weapon, Niko observed his surroundings with determination and caution. He knew that if they encountered any physical danger, they needed to be ready to confront and overcome it. Despite feeling uncomfortable with the constant shiver running down his spine, he knew there was nothing he could do for now.

After struggling to pass through the debris they encountered, they felt the growling getting closer. Whatever it was, it was so close they could almost feel its breath. Yet, they couldn't see it.

Lily suddenly stopped, and Niko followed her. Amidst the tension, Niko asked, "Do you see anything?"

At that moment, something like ash began to rain down from the sky. Since they could see each other at least a little in the light of the flashlight and their gazes were locked onto each other, it wasn't difficult for them to notice it. Moreover, it wasn't surprising that the air was still toxic. They were still able to breathe, thanks to the masks.

A few seconds later, Lily found herself suddenly on the ground without even realizing what had happened. Something had pushed her. She still felt the weight of that thing on her, but she couldn't see it.

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