Chapter 2 - Part 2

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Hello. I am Author Ceren Oktay, the writer of "Boss - You Are My Only Love, Savior Series 1 - Bloody Nights, and Savior Series 2 - Desdanje novels." The first part of my fiction called Dangerous Lands is here. I am looking forward to your valuable comments.

Please write the date and time you started reading.

Note : Translated from its Turkish original to English by Hilal A. Thank you so much Hilal. Hilal's Instagram Profile : birkitolog


As they continued to progress, the coolness of the water touched their legs with each step, unsettling them. Their eyes scanned their surroundings constantly, trying to catch movements on the water's surface. The thought that a creature hiding in the depths of the water could suddenly emerge at any moment began to fray their nerves.

They continued to tread even more cautiously, considering the possibility of unseen dangers lurking in the dark depths of the puddle. The unusual movements in the water occasionally caused them to glance at each other, accelerating their heartbeats. It felt as though something was breathing and waiting silently in the depths of the water. The possibility of mysterious creatures hidden beneath the surface attacking them further heightened the tension within them. However, this tension made them more vigilant, more alert.

They were still progressing through the puddle, striving not to incur any harm and working together to protect and support each other. When they made eye contact, they communicated silently through sign language. The reassuring feeling of being by each other's side and the trust they had in each other provided them with a sense of relief, propelling them forward with a strong sense of solidarity in their struggle for survival.

With each step, the uncertainty of encountering dangers within the puddle occupied their minds. The movement of the water, its ripples, and the mysterious sounds around them undoubtedly quickened their heartbeats.

As they neared the end of the puddle, Niko surprised Lily by doing something unexpected. They hadn't spoken for so long that hearing his voice would almost take Lily's breath away.

"If these days come to an end and if we can return to our normal lives, what would you like to do?" he asked.

This question made Lily pause for a moment, halting her thoughts. What did she want to do? If this new world order collapsed and they returned to their everyday lives, if life became pleasant again, in short, if they survived and reached those days, what would she want to pursue?

Putting an end to her hesitation and continuing to walk, she tightened her grip on her weapon. She hoped to see her reflection in the dark water, but she couldn't. Her thoughts continued to swirl in her mind in a scattered manner. She had no idea what she wanted to do. Nothing came to her mind.

When she saw Niko looking at her, expecting an answer, she expressed her confusion. "Actually, I never thought about it," she said, admitting the truth. "I have no idea what I want to do. My priority is to focus on surviving in this new world. But if I can achieve that, then maybe I can think about something. Right now, I don't have a vision for what I want to do beyond struggling to survive. "

Lily quickened her pace as she spoke. In the coming days, there might be an opportunity to rediscover the meaning of existence in this new world and what she wanted to do. Perhaps they would join those who wanted to build a new society and fight for a peaceful and hopeful future. Of course, if there were any survivors...

Upon hearing Lily's words, Niko nodded understandingly. "One day it will come," he said and continued the conversation. "We will look back on these days and laugh. For now, let's try to survive."

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