on my own

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Fatima's POV
Fatima: I already confirmed with the imam,we were reconciled as friend's but never as husband and wife.remember I told you to never reconcile our divorce until I gave birth.(he noded.) Well since there is a miscarriage,we are divorced, and I have no reason to reconcile.

Jalil: I am sorry I failed you.
Fatima:you didn't fail me, you did your best, and am proud of you, but I can't do this anymore.The pain is too much, it's better being single than having to suffer like this.

Jalil:I want you to know that if there is anything...
Fatima: am sorry to say but I don't need your help,I need Allah.He is the only one who can help me heal.Marraige , especially polygamy is not meant for me, I literally said that in the beginning.

Jalil:I can divorce Amina if you want.
Fatima:and leave that woman and her son without a father and a husband all because of my needs?I won't be selfish like you.(he shut his eyes, trying to digest the hard truth I was sending his way.I couldn't help it,it was as if no matter how much I tried I couldn't get over what he did to me)

Fatima: I don't blame you,you wanted a son and I couldn't give you that
But you see,you can have easily divorced me,I would have understood.Why didn't you divorce me?

Jalil: it's because I love you.
Fatima:no,if you really did you wouldn't have gotten a second wife knowing very well that it would break my heart.You sacrifed my heart for your dreams,all I feel for you is friendship, which we managed to reconcile during therapy,apart from that I feel nothing for you.

Why stay in a loveless marraige, and now that I have lost my child,I don't see the point in staying in this marraige.

I've always wanted to be a mom,but now my baby is gone,I have nothing left in this marraige to live for.I will be moving out of the house after am discharged (I went to the bathroom)

(In Islam,men have been given the right to initiate divorce, immediately he says I divorce you,you are in the divorce stage.You stay with him for three months to see if there has been any pregnancy,so that the paternity of the child can be easily identified.

The paternity of a child is very important in islam,it gives you your identity as you are identified by your father.If your father denies paternity the child is identified by it's mother.

This is why there is a three months waiting period, during that period,there can be reconciliation.Reconcialiation is also made verbal,by saying that you have reconciled with your wife.it should also be your true intention.

If a woman wants a divorce, she will demand it from her husband,if he refuses , she will take him to an Islamic court,where she can get her divorce.

Some woman give give back the dowry paid during the marraige to pass through divorce.But For a man ,you are not supposed to take back the dowry out of respect for her.)

With the money I have gathered ,I was able to pay back my dowry to jalil,I refused but his parents took it.

My parents were angry at me but I didn't care.

After I was discharged,I packed my stuff and left home.

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