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Fatima's POV
I was startled by a very deep voice.I jumped and turned around instantly.The water sprayed the Don, making him wet.I put the water can away.

Fatima: am sorry,I didn't mean to get you wet (he walked angrily towards me, which caused me to walk back,I nearly fell on the private garden but he swiftly grabbed me by the waist.our faces were so close)

Isaac: don't you ever touch any of the flowers from the private gardens ,am I clear?
Fatima:yes(he let go , and walked off.Betty was passing by)

Betty: get back to work.(I ran off,that night,I decided to pray before going home.I was about to finish when cold water was dumped onto my body)

I looked up to see three maids laughing and they were lead by Betty.The maids grabbed me and pulled me up.

Betty dumped more water on me.
Betty:do you think you can disrespect the boss and go Scott free? and what the hell do you think you are wearing, this is the maid for extra job not the nun's academy.

Fatima:am Muslim (I said weakly)
Betty: then what is a pretty innocent Muslim doing at a job like this?
Fatima: what do you mean, this is cleaning job.(they all started laughing)
Betty:I knew you were ignorant about this job,I just wanted to see how the Don would break you.But first let's give miss little innocent a preview.

(They brought me out to the hall,I was shocked by the scene infront of me, men and women who sprawled out and kissing each other.)

Men groped the women, and women were sucking men off.It was disgusting.Apart of me was happy that my prayers got ruined.I would never pray in such a sinful place.

Isaac:what the hell (we all snapped our heads up to find Isaac with a frown.I was hoping he would rebuke both men and women,but rather he signaled Betty to bring me up )

I was brought up by Betty.
Isaac: what's going on (I was freezing and shaking all over)
Betty:boss I was simply punishing her, for disrespecting you this morning.

Isaac:did I ask you to do that?(she tensed up as Isaac's eyes turned darker)
Betty:but boss,you left me in charge of the girls.
Isaac: you are fired, leave.

(I was stunned.Betty scurried off.I turned to leave)
Isaac: wait (he came to me and took off his suit jacket.He handed it to me)
Fatima: thanks.
Isaac: I hope to see you tomorrow (he said Abit too sternly that it scared me.It was as if he knew that i wasn't going to come back.)

I noded and walked off.I looked away at the people kissing downstairs and took off running .

I was never coming back again.I went home and took a bath,that place made me sick to my stomach.I still remembered the smell of Isaac's cologne from his Jacket.

He took pity on me,in the most scariest way possible.crazy little man.

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