meeting the Don

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Fatima's POV
Betty:we will be dividing you across the house, let's begin.(she started.I was given kitchen duty,how I so wanted to be a gardener)

I was a kitchen assistant,my job was to Clean the kitchen whenever works was done there.I was also assigned to the Don's room, which shock everyone

Who is this don?and why did all the women seem jealous.We were soon told to start working.Suddenly we heard footsteps.

Huge men entered the garden,to strangely the other women's joy.The men held lustful gazes, so did the girls.

Soon they made way for one man.I heard one woman whisper he was the man I was assigned too.Unlike the other men who held lustful gazes,he had a cold and stern look.

He was very tall and muscular like the others,but more attractive and less meaty.He had those piercing blue eyes.

I realised those piercing blue eyes where staring into mine.His black her was slipped back,he wore all black.
I quickly lowered my gaze remembering that I was a Muslim woman,semi married at that.

The men soon walked away.We all went to work.After cleaning the kitchen I came to the garden to explore.

I noticed a sector in the garden which seemed to be private,I was about to pass it,when I saw the most beautiful flower I had ever seen.

It looked dehydrated.I found the watering cans and started watering the flowers.

Isaac's POV
The maids were in, finally my men could stop pestering me about getting a new budge of woman.

It won't take them long before they get tired of wonder their contracts in secretly only three months.

I didn't have time for women.I was busy with more important stuff,which was running the mafia.I suddenly remembered that I hadn't watered my plants.

My parents and I planted them when I  was little.It was my last memory of them.My dad wasn't the typical mafia father who was cruel and abusive,he was loving and sweet to me and mom.

But he was a very tough man, well not tough enough when it came to my mom.She always persuaded him to get stuff for her, only to give them to me,since dad didn't buy much for me.

He wanted me to focus,but I couldn't because mom kept sneaking me toys and I loved it.When dad found out,that was the first time I had seen him yell at mom,he soon regretted it .

To make up for it,he bought her a garden which she made us three plant seeds.It our special garden.They were both killed in a shoot out.

I became bitter after their deaths, and now am a killing Machine.I came to my window was showed me the garden.I was surprised to see someone watering it.

No one dared to go near my special garden,how dare she?

I looked closer and realized it was that pretty girl I met eyes with today.Your beauty won't help you once you cross me angel.

I walked down angrily

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