his special maid

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Isaac's POV
I slept in the couch just watching her sleep, she was truly beautiful.I could watch those brown eyes forever.

She made mention that she was raped, which made my blood boil.Who would dare hurt her.I felt guilty when she cried in my office.

I couldn't let her go, I knew she would leave after finding out what the maid job actually meant.She was very naive and anybody could take advantage of her

I needed her by my side,I had already grown interested in her. She was mine to protect and love.I could have easily killed Betty when she pulled that trick on fatima,but I didn't want to scare her.

Those so called men of mine are going to pay for what they did to her . The maids were never to be forced into anything much more my innocent flower .

Her skin was as white as a flower.She looked like an angel.She seemed Abit petite but leaning in on the thick side Abit.I wonder what she would look like with her hair uncovered.

It didn't matter she was beautiful anyways.I soon fell asleep.It was finally morning.She was still asleep.She needed all the sleep she could get.

I went to my private kitchen and made us both some breakfast.She soon woke up.
Fatima: good morning (she said meekly, she was very cute)
Isaac: morning,I made breakfast.

Fatima: thank you (she sat down as I served her.I sat beside her and served myself)am sorry for falling asleep in your room,it was wrong and especially that am married.

Isaac: you are married?(I couldn't hide my anger)
Fatima:am actually in a process of divorce (I breathe sigh of relief)
Isaac: let me ask,is your husband the one who raped you?

(She noded.I frowned angrliy)
Fatima:you had that look when you beat up your men, please don't touch him
Isaac:so you still love your husband?
Fatima: not anymore, the love started fading when he came clean about getting a second wife and a secret child behind my back.

Isaac: darmn (her eyes filled up with tears)
Fatima:it still hurts uptill now even though I don't love like before.It has more to do with my sanity as a woman.
Isaac: why is that

Fatima:I haven't been able to conceive since eight years of marriage, the doctor says am fertile, yet am still being called bareb by my family.They say am not woman enough.
Isaac: they don't know what they are talking about, because I see a very beautiful woman sitting beside me, and if I have to make you feel like a woman,I will.

Fatima: how
Isaac:do you really want to know?(she suddenly blushed) that's not the main thing,I want to make you feel loved.
Isaac:I like you alot .

Fatima:am Muslim,am not even supposed to be in this room with you alone.
Isaac: why?
Fatima: because we are not married.
Isaac: then let's get married, after your divorce
Fatima:you are non Muslim.

Isaac: then I will become a Muslim.
Fatima:you can't be a Muslim because of me,but you should become a Muslim because of Allah.
Isaac: then teach me about Allah.

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