📝✨1.3 Special Weekend Treat: 🌟🎨

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Indulge in a unique weekend chapter! I tasked ChatGPT to craft character sheets for the Cursed Games Club, then brought those descriptions to life using dream.ai to generate images. Purely for the joy of creativity and a touch of whimsy. Enjoy the imaginative visuals! 🤖🎭🖼️


Name: Belle Summers

- Hair: Brown, Long and Wavy
- Eyes: Hazel
- Outfit: Casual with a touch of vintage charm

- Traits: Intelligent, Kind-hearted, Imaginative
- Quirks: Often daydreams during mundane tasks, Enjoys collecting antique items
- Hobbies: Reading, Painting, Exploring abandoned places

Fun Facts:
- Favorite Food: Chocolate-covered strawberries
- Pet: A black cat named Whiskers

- "Every old book has a story to tell, and I'm here to listen."
- "Antique stores are like treasure chests waiting to be discovered."


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Name: Jax Steele
- Hair: Dark Brown, Messy
- Eyes: Blue
- Outfit: Casual, prefers comfortable jeans and band t-shirts

- Traits: Laid-back, Sarcastic, Protective
- Quirks: Often teases others but cares deeply for friends, Enjoys playing practical jokes
- Hobbies: Playing the guitar, Watching movies, Trying out new food joints

Fun Facts:
- Favorite Food: Pizza with extra cheese
- Pet: No pets, but secretly wants a puppy

- "Life's too short to be serious all the time."
- "If laughter is the best medicine, then sarcasm must be the secret ingredient."


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