📝✨3.2: Cherished Clips

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The Web of Gossip

Amidst the whispers and hushed conversations in the school corridors, NPCs fueled the rumor mill.

NPC 1: "Did you hear about Belle and Jax? Apparently, they're dating!"

NPC 2: "Oh, really? I heard Belle spilled coffee on him, and then they went shopping for a new shirt together. It's like a romantic comedy!"

NPC 3: "And guess what? They both missed the assignment deadline. Must be too busy being lovey-dovey!"

The members, Ace and Lily, couldn't resist setting the record straight.

Ace: "No, no, Belle spilled coffee on Jax by accident. They just went to the mall to get a new shirt. It's not that deep."

Lily: "And the assignment? They were busy with the club activities, not a secret rendezvous."

Meanwhile, Ethan added his twist, unknowingly sparking a bigger misunderstanding.

Ethan: "Wait, have you heard? Jax and Belle's brother know each other!"

Members interacted with NPCs, attempting to quash the rumors, but the grapevine twisted their efforts.

NPC 4: "I heard they're practically married! It's an arranged thing, you know?"

NPC 5: "And they did something at Belle's house. It's all over the place!"

Finally, as Milо overheard the cacophony of rumors, his eyes widened.

Milo: "What in the cursed games... How did a coffee spill turn into a soap opera?!"

The club's web of gossip had spiraled into a tangled mess, leaving Milo utterly bewildered.

The Lost and Found Quest

Before diving into the eerie realm of the closet game, the club embarked on an unexpected adventure in the school's locker room. Tasked with checking each locker and surrendering any forgotten items to the lost and found, the members stumbled upon a treasure trove of forgotten belongings.

Belle: Discovered an old, worn-out teddy bear with a note attached. The note revealed it was a gift from someone's first crush. Belle couldn't resist a smile at the sweet nostalgia.

Jax: Found a quirky assortment of mismatched socks. He laughed at the randomness of the collection, wondering how someone managed to lose so many socks in a school locker room.

Milo: Unearthed a peculiar assortment of rubber ducks, each with a different expression. Milo couldn't help but line them up on a bench, creating an impromptu audience for their antics.

Lily: Stumbled upon a small box of colorful friendship bracelets. Each bracelet had a different pattern, prompting Lily to wonder about the stories behind each one.

Ace: Discovered a stack of comic books. Excitement lit up his face as he leafed through the pages, momentarily forgetting about the impending spooky game.

Ethan: Found an old-school mixtape labeled "Epic Jams of the '90s." Curiosity got the best of him, and he couldn't resist checking out the nostalgic tunes.

The locker room escapade became a delightful detour, sparking laughter and camaraderie. Each unexpected find revealed a glimpse into the lives of those who had once occupied the lockers, adding a touch of humor to the prelude of their supernatural adventure.


It took me three chapters to realize the importance of adding notes like this to my stories. Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed what you've read so far, consider leaving a vote or a comment, or both, as I've heard it can boost my works here on Wattpad. Any form of support is appreciated, and the fact that you've reached this part means a lot. You can also follow me here for announcements and such. For random videos, find me on TikTok @fish3703xcgc. 🙌📚🎥

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