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Amena woke up on a Saturday morning. It was noisier than usual in the house. She considered not leaving the bedroom, but decided against it.

She hesitantly followed the noise and the smell of food to the kitchen. Cyfrin was cooking, but Xavier and James were also there. She recognized them from when they were at her house, but that didn't mean that she didn't immediately shrivel up at their towering forms and booming voices.

"Hi, Amena," Cyfrin said, gesturing her closer. She went to his side. His hand ghosted along her back. "I'm making pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Are you hungry?"

She nodded, stepping back so part of her stayed behind Cyfrin.

"You remember Xavier and James, right?" he asked. "Xavier's girlfriend is also here. Her name is Emma."

"We were thinking of taking my new boat out for a spin today," Xavier said. "We'd love for you to come with us."

Amena looked up at Cyfrin who turned to flip the pancakes.

She had never been on a boat before. She didn't know these people. She didn't know how to act, and she had nothing to wear.

Cyfrin reached into the cabinet, pulling out a stack of plates.

"Here, Xav," Cyfrin said, handing them over. "You and James go set the table outside."

The kitchen cleared, leaving just the two of them.

"I don't know," Amena whispered. "I don't know them very well. I wouldn't want to spoil the fun."

"You wouldn't be," Cyfrin reassured. "We want you to come."

She nodded, just as someone came down the steps.

The girl had beautiful brown wavy hair that seemed to lay perfectly across her back. She wore a bright pink tank top and denim cut-offs. Amena had never felt more inferior in her life.

"Hi, I'm Emma," she introduced.

"I'm Amena," Amena said quietly.

Breakfast was hard for Amena. Eating around other people when she was so worried about how she looked and how she might come across made it nearly impossible.

She hung back as the others cleaned up, unsure of where she was supposed to go.

Cyfrin dried his hands on a dish towel. He gestured for her to follow him.

"I think I might just stay here," Amena said quietly, following Cyfrin into the bedroom and to the closet.

The once empty closet was now full. Full was probably an exaggeration, but there were a lot of clothes, all brand new. The weather was growing warmer, and having something other than her pair of jeans was going to be very nice.

"I had Emma help pick a few things out based on what I thought you would like," Cyfrin said.

Amena felt the familiar pressure of tears. She sniffled. "Cyfrin-"

He stepped closer, letting his thumb gently gather the drops of water. "Clothing is a necessity. You just needed a few more things then what you had. Everything still has the tags, so if there's something you don't like or it doesn't fit, I can take it back."

"Thank you," she said sincerely. She thought about what Dr. Amy had said before, about getting to know Cyfrin. It seemed like he wanted her to go with him today, and his friends had been extremely nice.

"Are you all going to wear bathing suits? I've never worn one, I just-"

"You are beautiful Amena," he told her, so sincere and genuine. Her heart flipped in her chest. "but I understand. I would just put one on under your clothes in case you change your mind. There might even be a pair of swim shorts."

She nodded.

He turned to leave, but she stopped him. "Can you come back in here after I get dressed?"

He agreed, and she watched his handsome form leave the room.


"I've never worn shorts before," Amena whispered to Cyfrin.

He gave her a thorough glance at the cutoffs and the t-shirt. She felt the blush once again. She couldn't help it, not with the way he was looking at her.

"They look great. You look great," he reassured, sticking a baseball cap on her head. "You didn't eat very much for breakfast."

"It was hard today," she admitted.

He nodded. He stepped closer, his hand skimming her arm. "I've got snacks if you need them. Let's try again for lunch."

She agreed, following him out of the bedroom.

"Emma is really nice. You should try to get to know her. I know it's hard, but this is an easy way for you to make a friend," Cyfrin said.

She thought it over. It was hard, but if Cyfrin wanted her to then she would try, for him. Emma did seem really nice, she was just intimidating. Amena had never really been around people her own age before.

Amena got into Cyfrin's car and they were off to the lake.

Safe & SoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora