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The bedroom was different when Amena woke up the following morning. There was a bookshelf by the window that was filled to the brim with books, and the desk was covered in art supplies, everything she could ever imagine, from paint to pencils and everything else.

She found a note from Cyfrin on top.

I learned that you like to read and draw. The supplies and books are yours now. If there's something else I can get for you, let me know.

She covered her mouth to stop the rise of emotions, dropping into the chair. He bought this stuff for her?

She felt the tears drip onto her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away, but she couldn't help it. No one had ever bought her stuff before, and he somehow knew exactly what she liked.

She picked up the phone he had given her. She wanted to call him to thank him, but her nerves got the better of her. She tried to work up the courage.

It took her awhile to even figure out how to turn the thing on. She pushed the call button, holding it to her ear when it started to ring.

Cyfrin answered almost immediately. "Amena."

"Cyfrin," she whispered, trying not to sniffle as the last of her tears dried up.

"What happened?" he asked. "Why are you crying?"

"It's just-I just," she fumbled with her words for a second. "Thank you for the books, and the art supplies."

"You're welcome," Cyfrin said. "Enjoy them. I'll see you tonight."

After the call ended, she took one of the sketch pads from the pile and ventured out to the garden. She spent most of the day sitting outside, sketching the beautiful flowers.

"Amena," Cyfrin called, startling her. She didn't even hear him come outside. She hadn't realized how much time had passed. She felt her heart pound in her chest. She should have been inside, in the bedroom. That's where she was supposed to be.

She sat up from where she was laying on her stomach. Cyfrin took a seat next to her. He traced his finger very lightly over the sketch she had been working on, careful not to smudge the markings.

"That's incredible," he told her.

She felt an unfamiliar heat rise to her cheeks. She ducked her head. "It's nothing. I just-"

"When it's finished, can I have it?"

She lifted her head to look at him, a bit confused.

"I'd love to hang it in my office."

"You would?" she whispered.

Cyfrin nodded.

"I was going to color it," she admitted, locking eyes with him for just a second before she looked away.

"I think that's a great idea," he agreed. He stood up. "I'm going to make something to eat."

She watched him go back into the house. She finished her sketch before going back in the house. Cyfrin wasn't in the kitchen so she went back up the bedroom.

She made her bed on the spot in the floor, getting ready to sleep for the evening.

Cyrus knocked on the door, poking his head in. He had a tray with him. He went to the bed this time.

"Come here," he said, and while it was a command, Amena did not feel threatened.

She left her spot on the floor, climbing up onto the massive bed for the first time. She felt like she was on a cloud.

She leaned back on the pillows next to him. He must have showered because he smelled good. She felt a flutter in her belly, and she was confused by it.

"Here. Try this," he said, holding up a spoonful of the cheesy pasta on his plate. She opened her mouth, letting him feed her. She was surprised by how delicious it was.

He fed himself between the small bites he gave her. There was also chicken and broccoli on the plate, but she quickly grew full.

"I'm going to put the leftovers in the refrigerator," he told her. "There's plenty of mac-and-cheese. Eat it for lunch tomorrow if you want."

"Have you started any of the books yet?" he asked.

She was embarrassed to admit that she couldn't read most of the ones he had bought for her. She didn't understand a lot of the words that were used in them.

He set his plate on the nightstand.

"I can't," she whispered.

"You can't read?" he asked gently.

"Not at that level."

"That's okay," he said sincerely. "I'll get a few of them swapped out for you. We will pack some of these ones up, but keep them around if you ever want to come back to them."

She didn't understand why he was so nice to her. At this point, when would his kindness stop? Not once had Cyfrin even become close to losing his temper with her.

He got out of bed, going over to the bookshelf. He pulled out a book, and then retrieved her favorite blanket from her place on the floor.

"This is a classic. It was one of my favorites, still probably is."

He motioned for her to stand up, and he pulled back the blankets and top sheet so she could get under them. She settled into the warmth immediately.

He stayed on top of the duvet, sinking down so she was able to see the pages.

And he read to her.

His warm voice eased her, and she listened intently as he narrated beautifully. It wasn't long before her eyes grew too heavy to keep open.

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