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Cyfrin drove Amena to his house. It was huge, the biggest house she had ever seen. It was full of beautiful flowers and the outside was so bright despite the fading sun. She tried to remain skeptical, but it felt like a fairytale.

She followed Cyfrin's towering form up a set of stairs and into a gorgeous bedroom with vaulted ceilings and a big bed.

"There's a bathroom and a closet in through that door," Cyfrin said.

He hadn't spoken to her much on the drive over. She could tell his mood had changed significantly when she had gathered her belongings. There were only two things she had wanted to take with her, her favorite blanket and her teddy bear.

"I don't need this much space," she said uncertainly, unsure of how he would react to her disregard of his generosity.

Cyfrin's frown deepened. "It's okay, Amena. None of the bedrooms are being used except mine."

Amena went to the bed, pressing her fingers into the soft mattress and watching the indent slowly fill back in.

"Did you eat dinner?" he asked.

Amena tensed, feeling her heart hit her chest with each distinct thump. She wasn't allowed to eat. He was probably testing her.

"I'm going to make something. Do you want to come to the kitchen with me?"

She shook her head no.

Cyfrin finally left her alone. The silence was familiar, and she finally relaxed. Her eye throbbed, and she tried her best not to disturb the injury

She took the blanket from the end of the bed, laying it out on the floor in the corner of the room. The blanket was plush and one of the softest she had ever felt.

She took her blanket from home and sat down. She scrunched the familiar fabric in her fists as she laid down.

She didn't sleep though. She couldn't. The room was too unfamiliar, and it was bright.

She startled when there was a knock on the door. Cyfrin stuck his head in, looking around until he saw her.

"I made dinner, Amena," he said, coming closer.  "I made some for you if you want to eat. Is it okay if I sit here?"

She nodded.

He sat next to her, folding his legs.

Whatever he had made smelled good. She had become good at suppressing her hunger, but her stomach still rumbled.

"This is your plate if you want it," he said, setting it down. "You don't have to."

She stayed still, unsure. She watched him eat, taking in his relaxed appearance. The sleeves of his black hoodie were pushed up, revealing the many tattoos that littered his skin.

After he finished eating, he picked up his phone.

"I'll be right back," Cyfrin said. It didn't take long for him to return with bags and a few bottles of water. He set the water on the nightstand next to the bed.

"The bathroom doesn't have any soap or anything in it. I had Xavier pick up some items I will set in there. These are yours now. Use whatever you need, and if there's anything else I can get for you, I will."

That surprised her significantly. Why would he waste his money on her?

He wished her a good night, shutting the door gently.

Amena eased from her spot along the wall. She put the plate of food on the desk. She couldn't get herself to eat it, just in case it was a trick. Cyfrin could hurt her a lot worse than her father.

She couldn't believe all of the products he had put in the bathroom. She had always just used a bar of soap.

There was shampoo and conditioner and body wash. There were several different kinds that all smelled incredible. There were lotions and bubbles for the bath.

Amena opened the new toothbrush, brushing her teeth.

There was even a hairbrush. Her last one had broke awhile ago, and she had just been using her fingers, sometimes the small comb her father used.

It took awhile for her to get all of the tangles out, but it left her hair soft and fluffy.

She was pretty exhausted after that. She curled up on her spot on the floor and went right to sleep.

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