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this concept got me shook 

note: chapter 6 has been changed so I'd recommend reading that chapter once again.  


Micheal Kingston was a little crazy.

After our disaster of a date the previous week, I was determined to stop thinking of dates and boys all together. That excluded demon boy, of course. But the day before as I stood in front of my locker and gathered the books I needed for last period, he'd approached me and all but backed me into a corner, asking me out several times until I'd said yes out of frustration, regretting the word as soon as it slipped from my lips. But at least it got him off my back. He'd left with a smirk, probably feeling proud but it pissed me off.

Being the golden boy of the town and school, I'd never considered Micheal to be one of those boys that would act upon their bruised ego. I'd expected him to figure out that I'd left because of that text. It was quite obvious actually. He goes to the washroom, I see a message from Jen on his phone with whom he's probably hooking up with on the down-low, I get upset and leave.

Yeah, if he was smart enough, he would've figured out why our date didn't end on a good note. But I didn't expect or want him to ask me out again or even look my way again, to be honest. I mean, Micheal hadn't even texted me after our date to ask why I'd left or if I'd gotten home safe so I didn't know why he'd suddenly wanted to go on a second date after more than a week of silence.

I'd put in the least effort into the date, waking up from my afternoon nap only fifteen minutes before he arrived. I quickly showered and dressed in a cami underneath a brown jumper and dark jeans. While applying moisturizer on my face and body, I thought of why exactly I agreed to this again. I didn't want to wear any makeup and so I didn't, leaving my face bear except for the lip balm. Boy, if he thought I was hideous before, he was going to have a hard time digesting how I looked now. I wore my shoes, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, waiting for Micheal to arrive in my kitchen.

Opening a compact mirror I had in my bag, I flipped it open to look at my face. I honestly didn't think anyone in the world was ugly. Beauty may be subjective but that didn't mean it wasn't inherent in every human being. I may be a bitch but I didn't think I was so much of a bitch that I had to keep experiencing this sort of pain over and over again. Looking at myself in the mirror, I took a breath. I didn't think I was that bad looking, to be honest.

I lifted my neck and pulled the collar of the jumper down a bit to see that my collarbones were disappearing already. And while I had no active pimples, the scars of the previous ones left little spots on my face. My skin tone could be considered a mocha but the extra darkness underneath my eyes and at the corner of my lips were real and I hated them. My teeth were a little crooked too, just the front two ones. I lifted my jumper a bit to look at the rolls on my tummy, sighing. And because I was a heavy child from young who would excessively sweat, don't even get me started on my dark underarms that prevented me from wearing anything sleeveless.

I shook my head, trying to stop pointing out everything about myself when the honk of a car caught my attention.

Rolling my eyes, I walked outside locking the door of my house behind me before walking to his car and getting inside it. Micheal had told me that we'd be heading to another restaurant. I had no enthusiasm in the date or interest to choose a place so I'd said yes. Didn't matter where we'd go, this drama would end tonight. There would be no more dates with Micheal just like there were no more feelings within me for him. Tonight, I would make it clear that this was the last date and that I had no interest in seeing him or having him corner me in school asking for more dates. I couldn't believe I'd ever liked him in the first place.

Wish Upon A Demon [EDITING]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα