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chapter twenty-eight,

ੈ✩‧₊˚ BELLAMY GILMORE sat on her porch, a cigarette lit between her fingers as she took a puff every few moments

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‧₊˚ BELLAMY GILMORE sat on her porch, a cigarette lit between her fingers as she took a puff every few moments.

tomorrow was graduation, and she was yet to finish her valedictorian speech. she didn't want to be valedictorian, in all honestly. the thought of having to stand in front of her whole class and give a heartwarming yet motivating speech?

the thought stressed her out to no end, and with recent events - she was worse off than when she initially started to write it.

behind her stood a guilty and sorrowful Jess. he had his hands in his pocket, his gaze was taking her in - he knew it'd be his last. he knew there was no coming back.

"hey" he finally spoke, sending shivers down her spine. he was the last person she wanted to see. she took another puff, before killing it with a couple smears against the ashtray.

she didn't speak, instead her plan was to ignore him and walk inside her house. but he wasn't gonna let that happen - not before he said goodbye.

"i met my dad" he told her.

"not sure why i should care" she spoke, crossing her arms. she did care. that was a big deal - meeting his dad. but caring was weakness, and she was tired of being weak.

he chuckled, "really?"


"don't do that" he shook his head. she let out a scoff, "you have no right to tell me how i should react - don't act innocent" her ice cold stare made him uneasy. he wasn't used to this version of Bellamy.

"i know what happened. and you know that, otherwise you wouldn't have stayed away. i know that you kissed her back, and how you begged Jack not to say anything. do you really think i'm that stupid? after all this time - you still continue to underestimate me. and i'm done, Jess."

he stared at her, his eyebrows pushed together. guilt. that was all he felt, as well as heart break. he did this to himself. "i didn't mean to, i ju-"

"- spare me the details. all you need to know is that i'm done. the dates, meeting my grandma, telling me how much you love me. was it all a lie?"

he shook his head, blinking a few times in attempt not to cry. "Bellam-"

she cut him off again. "no."

her once delicate traced fingers turned icy and stiff, solidifying and curling into a fist. she was hurt to no end, but most of all? she was angry.

"you should leave" she spoke through gritted teeth, her voice was raspy. "i would wish you the best - but i don't have it in me just yet"

she paused, "goodbye Jess."

Jess took a deep breath in, exhaling. "i'm sorry, Bellamy. i never meant to hurt you. i just wanted to tell you that . . i'm leaving."

he understood her reaction, it was actually the best outcome he had expected.

"goodbye, Gilmore."


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‧₊˚GRADUATION. the day she had been looking forward to since the day she started high school - it was finally here.

she stood on the side of the stage, waiting to be introduced. her palms were sweaty, and her green eyes glistened. she was nervous. she was still unsure of her speech - she wrote it when she was half asleep and even spilled soda on it.

"it is my pleasure to announce the class valedictorian, Bellamy Gilmore!"

with a simple sentence, her feet turned to jelly as she walked across the stage and stood before her friends and family. she took a second to breath, before beginning her speech.

"welcome, graduates, parents, grandparents, faculty, hot lunch ladies, and unhappy siblings forced to sit through this incredibly long ceremony. know that we all think we're immortal, we're supposed to feel that way, we're graduating. the future is and should be bright, but, like our brief four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever, what makes it precious is that it ends. i know that now more than ever. and i say it today of all days to remind us that time is luck. so don't waste it living someone else's life, make yours count for something. fight for what matters to you, no matter what. because even if you fall short, what better way is there to live? it's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too. there will be days where you feel all alone. no matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope. keep it alive! we have to be greater than what we suffer.. my wish for you is to become hope...people need that... and even if we fail... what better way is there to live? as we look around here today at all the people who helped make us who we are, i know it feels like we're saying goodbye but we will carry a piece of each other into everything we do next...to remind us of who we are.. and if we were meant to be."

Bell took a second to catch her breath, her eyes scanned across the bleachers - hoping to spot Kitty. the redhead sat in the front row, her cheeks were a bright red color and they were completely drenched with tears.

"I want to especially thank my best friends, Jack and Kitty for being there for me during these four years - without our all-nighters full of studying, i probably wouldn't be standing up here giving this speech. next, i'd like to thank Luke Danes. you taught me how to stand up for myself, and how to be a better person. lastly, my grandparents Emily and Richard Gilmore. i thank all of you for believing in me when i was unable to. i love you dearly." tears threatened to escape her eyes, but she maintained her composure.

"we survived high school! congratulations everybody!"

thank u gwen stacy for that very promising speechthere was no way i was gonna be able to write that on my own😭 updating again because whoopee

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thank u gwen stacy for that very promising speech
there was no way i was gonna be able to write that on my own😭
updating again because whoopee.

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