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"What discussion? What is 'not over' Sumedh? Just now you said no, that the rehearsal is over. So, there is nothing to discuss anymore. Just leave me, Sumedh." She shouted.

I completely ignored her again. I tightened my grip on her arm bringing her close to me.

"Who is that guy, Mallika? What you were doing with him there, huh?"

"Look Sumedh, that's none of your buisness. I don't think i need to answer this." She replied.

"Yes, it is. It is my buisness to look after what happens in and around the college and now shut up and just answer me." I yelled at her.

"Sumedh, look this is my life. You are no one to ask me, okay." She jerked my hands.

Her words actually made me mad. My eyes were already red bloodshot and were fuming in anger. I hollered at her.

"Yes, of course. I know, I'm no one because that bastard is everything for you, right?"

"Sumedh, you are crossing your limits."

" already did that."

"It's up to me with whomever i speak and what i do and what i don't."

"Fine, then do whatever you feel like but not in the dark like that. This is a common area for college students and not your bedroom to make love."

"Mind your tongue, Sumedh."

"You mind your deeds..... Mallika."

Her eyes became tearful and she blinked a couple of times to prevent them from falling. She stood like a statue with her eyes looking down. I just couldn't look into her tearful eyes. I felt so ashamed of myself for saying those hurtful words to her.

"God! What i did! How could i say those words to her? Why do i always start fighting with her? Why does my heart ache when i see her with someone?"

I slipped my fingers between my hair. I knew at once that i was rude to her but seeing her with someone in the dark made my blood boil. All the time she was looking down but i know that she is just trying to control her tears. I slowly walked to her and tried to cup her face.

"Mallika, I'm so.........," she didn't let me finish.

She just turned her face and took a step back.

"Mr. Sumedh Mundalkgar, these are the shedule list of the event and these are the details of the participants." She said in a trembling voice while handing over a few papers to me.

"Please go through this. And if you want to make any changes, please ask Pallavi. I'll check it later with her."

Her voice was enough to make me understand how much she is in pain. This time i heart her so badly with my words.

She took her bag from the seat and turned to leave.

"Mallika......please. I know i hurt you but please listen to me once." I tried to explain it to her.

She stopped at the main door of the auditorium and without turning back to me, she said,

"Next time before making love I'll make sure that it wouldn't be a common area but a bedroom of course with proper locks."

She left from there but her words stabbed my heart. As if she squeezed my heart.

"How could she say that? How?" I roared.

I threw tose papers that she handed over to me. I started banging my hands on the wall. Maybe i was frustrated with my own behavior.

"How and why did i say those things? Why am i behaving like this with her?" I tried to control my feelings but a tear rolled down my cheeks. Her sad face, her trembling voice and her words were flashing in my mind.

"Yes, she is right. Maybe i have become a devil. But why? Why does my heart ache when she avoids me?" I thought.

I felt stuffed and suffocated there in the auditorium so i picked up those papers and moved out from there towards the parking area to go back home.

"Sumedh, hey! Where are you going?"

I heard Sajid calling me from behind but i didn't feel like speaking to anyone at that moment. So, i completely ignored him and continued moving towards the parking. I took out my keys and got inside my car and ignited the engine when i noticed her with the same fellow.

The sudden heaviness i felt, the moment i saw her with him again. Their closeness was killing me. He tucked her hair behind her ear. My fist automatically gets tightened on the steering. All i felt was that moment to punch on his face hard till he bleeds. But i know that i can't do anything. It will surely worsen the situation more. They were speaking something which i wasn't able to hear.

Then she sat behind him on his bike and he rode the bike. She was so closely sitting behind him. Her hands were on his shoulder. The sight was killing me.

I don't know why but i actually followed them. I know i was wrong and i shouldn't do it but i couldn't control myself and stalked them.

After almost fifteen minutes of drive, i saw them getting inside a house. My heart churned when both of them entered inside and shut the door.

"Next time before making love, I'll make sure that it wouldn't be a common area but a bedroom of course with proper locks."

Her words and the sight of them getting inside that room were replaying in my mind.

I kept staring at that door until my vision got blurred due to the tears in my eyes.

If there is any word that describes possesiveness, jealousy, anger, sadness and frustration at a time, is that what i was currently going through? I felt like breaking the door and dragging her out.

"Sumedh, look this is my life. You are no one to ask me, okay."

But again, her words were echoing all over my mind. I waited there for sometime but nobody came out from there. I felt suffocated as if i can't breathe and with a heavy heart, i drove my car back to my home.


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Stay safe,
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Love u all😘

Your dear,
Author ❤️

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