Chapter Eight - Cahress

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Thret scuffs his boot a few feet away, letting me know he's close, so I don't impale him on my blade.

"Relax, ladies. It's Thret, not the ISC."

"Telling love stories, Cahress?"

"It helps pass the time."

"Well, shove it up your ass and save it for later."

I raise my fist and uncurl a finger for every word he spoke until all five are raised before turning a mock startled expression toward him.

"Shit, that's the longest sentence in the history of you, isn't it? Figures it was crass, too, especially in the company of so many females."

"Shove. It."

I tamp down my roar of laughter, nearly choking on my mirth as his growl gives away his utter annoyance, resulting in a broken snort and chuckle. The sound barely bounces off the walls, but the faint echo makes me want to punch myself for being so careless.

Forcing the amusement down into my diaphragm, I sober as best as I can without giving off such a dire and deadly air as my partner—these females don't deserve to be cooped up in this dreary cave with two broody assholes.

I meet Thret's annoyed glare and respond in the most deadpan tone I can muster.

"Wait, a love story? I'm surprised you can recognize one. Little mama, pass me the water. I think Thret may be hallucinating."

Thret's expression closes further before he turns to stalk away. A few feet behind him, Commander Ru'en's white irises catch the lamplight.

"What love story?" Henna asks, her whisper directed to Duri.

"His undying devotion to Commander Minette. Careful, Cahress, or I'll send a special report to Commander Draukir on your behalf."

Commander Ru'en's jab pulls a chuckle from my throat, and I roll my eyes.

"Right, like you're any less devoted. She saved your hide more times than mine, so—"

"Are you done?"

The fur on my ruff stands on end, both annoyed and wary of the narrowing of Commander Ru'en's eyes.

"Not quite."

He steps closer and raises his hand, obviously prepared to shut me up no matter what it takes. Except, I'm not scared of his fists, even though I know the damage they can do. No, what frightens me is the thought of my little mama—Duri, not my little mama—witnessing more violence.

"They still don't understand the dangers we face," I finish in the same breath, eager to diffuse his fury. My stance never falters, never braces for impact, never tenses or cowers, while my attention stays focused on my team leader.

"Then finish the debriefing without waxing poetic."

The urge to fling a knife toward Thret's throat pulls my hand to my hip, but I halt its ascent and cock my head instead.

"I didn't realize you knew such a touching phrase, Thret. Maybe—"

"If you don't want to focus, then I'll finish the lesson," Commander Ru'en snarls.

I spin on my heel and drop into a squat, facing the lamp and ensuring every female in the group can see the seriousness in my gaze.

"The ISC were the white coats who captured you. You know the Intergalactic Science Corps as the largest scientific company in all the known galaxies, but they aren't what they seem. What you saw before you landed on this planet was a ruse. They are evil."

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