Chapter Seven - Duri

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Exhaustion pulls me into sleep so quickly I don't feel the hard stone bruising my hip and shoulder until I jolt awake. Disoriented in the low lamplight, I lie still until my brain catches up to my predicament. Clutching the pill bottle in my right hand and feeling tiny limbs beating against the splayed palm of my left, I search for why I woke so suddenly and nearly groan when I shift. My bladder complains of fullness.

It's a good sign, but not a pleasant sensation. As quietly as I can, but not bothering to be graceful since every part of me hurts, I fight against gravity and force my body to a sitting position.

"What's wrong?"

The low, rough voice emerges from the darkness and nearly yanks a scream from my throat. Pills rattle against plastic as I thunk the bottle against my racing heart. A few shaky breaths later and my fright dissolves.

"I, um..."

Embarrassment has no place here, and yet a blush heats my cheeks. I shift my weight and bite back a groan of discomfort, using the urgent need to push past my social hang-ups.

"I need to relieve myself."

Broad shoulders emerge from the darkness, Cahress' black suit seeming to erase whatever light touches it, creating a pitch-black silhouette against the yellow light reflecting off the cave walls.

"C'mon then, little mama, I'll help you up."

A massive arm extends and offers me intimidatingly huge digits. Remembering his gentle touch as he bandaged my palm, I accept his offer with trembling fingers.

He lifts me as though I'm as light as a feather, but the controlled power vibrating through his form assures me he won't hurt me. My legs shake and my spine complains as my weight settles on my sore feet.

Two grueling steps later and the ground disappears. I tighten my grip on the pill bottle and instinctively wrap an arm over my belly, but firm muscles suspend me several feet above the floor.

My gasp echoes in my ears, but I close my mouth and pull air in through my nose. By the time my breathing settles enough to speak, his steady strides carry me away from the sleeping omegas.

"Can you warn me next time?"

"What would be the fun in that?"


"Yes, fun. I enjoy your cute little sounds."

Shock glues my tongue to the roof of my mouth for a moment before I regain my senses.

"It frightens me. I always expect the worst."

His footsteps pause, but he continues down the narrow passage before he speaks.


"Why what?"

"Why do you always expect the worst?"

"Because I'm not the most coordinated person in the best of times, and right now, when it matters the most, my balance is the worst."

My palm caresses my expanding abdomen, a wave of sadness knocking into me from nowhere. I fight back unexpected tears.

Darn these hormones.

The world shifts as gigantic arms lower me to my feet. He pivots me to face him with hands so gentle a tear escapes my lashes. A gloved digit wipes it away, startling me in the darkness. Besides a small streak of light sneaking in through a crack in the ceiling, the world seems cloaked in pitch black.

How can he see my tears when I can barely decipher where his silhouette stands?

"I can't promise not to scoop you up whenever I please, but I can promise to protect you. So, until we get to base camp, let go of your fears. Trust me enough to see both you and your offspring to safety."

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